Monday, December 31, 2007

Chelsea Clinton is an ASS!!!!!

For her entire life, Chelsea Clinton got a free pass from the media. And that was fine. She was a child, she didn’t draw attention to herself, but things are a little different now. Now she’s on the campaign trail, sounding like a plastic doll, with a pull-string, ”Are you going to caucus for my mom? Are you going to vote for my mom?”

She has an aide protecting her from all reporters, even a fourth-grader, reporting for Scholastic news. Chelsea Clinton told the child, “I’m sorry, I don’t talk to the press, and that applies to you, unfortunately. Even though I think you’re cute.”

What an ASS! If a grown man, had used those exact words to a grown woman reporter, what would the reaction be?

Chelsea Clinton is 27 years old. She’s paid a six figure salary, as a consultant, she’s on the campaign trail, and doesn’t lower herself to talk to any reporter, not even a nine year old. She wants her precious privacy, fine stay in NY enjoy the ballet.

I don’t mind that Chelsea Clinton has enjoyed a free pass from the media. She was young, and always was in a room with more interesting people than herself, but it’s different now. She’s grown up, despite the threats her dad makes to restaurant owners in NYC, who have kept the same celebrity picture in his window for the past five years.

Hillary Clinton has put her adult daughter in the spot light, for her own purposes. I expect Chelsea Clinton could handle herself, I cannot imagine she hasn’t been trained. Being rude to children doesn’t count as training. This reflects very badly on the Clinton family. It does not instill confidence that there will be transparency with another Clinton White House.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Back off Friend

If I want my neighbor to turn his music down, that’s my business. I’m the one to have the conversation. It is not to you to tell stories, or make threats or negotiate my future. It is not for you to arrange for my friends not to contact me. You’re insane.

You are not required to understand me, or why I am the way I am. You are not required to like me. You ARE required to NOT go behind my back to be sneaky about me. You are required to refrain from digging pits in my path. You are required to defer to my judgment. My story is my own, I'll tell it if, and when, I want to. Whether or not I want to, it is NOT for you to do. I don't care that you're suprised that every time you create a little black rain cloud around me, a little black rain cloud is created around me. I don’t care that you think it’s a favor. I don’t care that you like to pretend that you are of good intent. Mind your business. We’ve had this conversation repeatedly for years. For years, you’ve watched, and often arranged for me to suffer, and atrophy, enough’s enough. There’s no excuse for you to continue to do as you’ve done. I’ve complained. Your refusal to defer to me, on matters of mine, does not make you a good person. Back all the way off me, right now.

I’ve already raised my voice, my hand is next.

Friday, December 28, 2007


So Hillary Clinton wants an international probe to investigate the death of Bhutto, way to endear yourself to the sitting government. How would we have reacted if a former foreign leader had told us how to investigate the Kennedy assignation? She met Bhutto in 1995, on a road trip with Chelsea. I believe it was also 1995 when Hillary publicly tried to banish the Secret Service from the residential areas of the White House. I don't know if that was before or after her legal husband, the President was having the help.

I know it's commonly believed that Bhutto's death would reflect well on Hillary Clinton, and I thought that too, at first. But then Hillary opened her mouth, exaggerated the relationship. We were shown pictures of her visit, and Hillary was wearing, what I'm sure was the height of fashion, of the 1980's. That outfit is most accurately described as "flight attendant chic." Although Bhutto was in exile for the past ten years, we're to believe that Hillary kept in touch with her, suggesting that she has the international experience and contacts to be a good president. In my opinion, it reminds us that Hillary never was said to have an all access pass, which is the sort of thing that rock stars have given to groupies. It's just what they call it, it's kind of a misnomer, as it is different than having a security clearance. It also reminds us that this tragedy has made Hillary's Rolodex, a little bit thinner.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


So, the Clinton camp, while emphasizing "strength and experience" asked the Iowans to caucus for her January 14. Iowa caucuses on the 3rd. That's the way they showcase her preparedness. It's okay to sing if you want to...M-I-Ceee-K-E-Yiiii

Friday, December 21, 2007


Bill Clinton recently regaled an audience with a story about him switching to Hillary’s dentist. Never mind that it's silly, as he lives in NY and his legal wife lives in DC, with her mother. He said, “I sat there like a toadstool, and answered questions for an hour!” If true, what must that have been for him? He’s spent his entire career making others wait, and he’s got people believing that he waited for a dentist? Could that mean that his gravitas is waning? Hillary’s gravitas comes from the shake off of his, and if he is willing to answer questions for a dentist, for an hour, just what does that mean?

This is a guy who’s made it a point to show up uninvited, barely announce and expecting the best, complimentary, of course. On the rare occasions that he or one of his entourage did pay for what was consumed, it was sure to make it into the paper. Now, he’s telling stories about waiting for a dentist, and what’s more incredible, people are listening, believing him. They aren’t wondering what influence his wife will have, as all of her influence came from him.

With every day that passes, he fades just a little bit more. He becomes even less relevant, and I wonder if it bothers him, watching those who matter come into their own. How frightened he must be, knowing that his best is long behind him, and his desperate attempts to change that, just comes off as sad and more than a little embarrassing. I wonder if the Clintons believe that humiliating themselves with discourage others from taking their rightful shots, and instead, shaming them into pulling their punches.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Does anybody think that Hillary Clinton has the necessary gravitas to represent this nation on a world stage? She’s providing all expenses paid trips to people willing to say nice things about her. Nobody asked me to take part in Her campaign is putting up website after website claiming her rivals are being mean to her. She can’t seem to control her staff. Volunteers and paid staff members have been dismissed for underhanded actions. I refer to the circulation of false information about her opponents, I refer to the sneaky way her people tried to join discussion groups, using Clinton computers, without disclosing they were with the campaign. Her surrogates slime her opponents and then she says that they aren’t speaking for her. She exploits her cleavage, not for style, but for money. She relies on the manufactured outrage of victim feminists, when an unflattering picture appears on Drudge. She is internationally known for having a husband who does whatever and whomever he pleases. (I assume he’s pleased his girlfriends, in spite of the lack of testimonials.) What’s going to happen if Hillary becomes president, and Bill becomes bored?

I’m not entirely surprised that the Saudi woman, who was raped, was also pardoned. I’m also confident that our president had a little something to do with that. Could Hillary have pulled that off? Or would she simply have scolded another sovereign nation, congratulated herself for an attempt, no matter how weak, and proceeded to strut around confident in her own superiority, while simultaneously cowering behind whatever marquee person available? It seems to be her habit. Is it worth it?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Race Card

Isn’t it lucky for the Clintons, that Obama made a personal decision not to play the race card? Seriously, I think this is the most legitimate play of that card that I’ve seen, in a long time. Yes, I know about Michael Richards, Don Imus, and Dog the Bounty Hunter, all of whom lost work, and possibly their careers, despite apologies, and despite payouts. But Al Sharpton isn’t crying foul, and neither is anybody else. I don’t suppose there’s any money to be made. I do understand and respect why Obama’s not doing it. I just don’t happen to agree that being associated with the Clintons is license to act this way. I think that it’s very hypocritical of Hillary’s campaign. Imagine that.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


HRC says that she "fought hard" that her daughter and mother would not be used in any way politically, but she appears with them in a campaign ad for herself. My query is this, if HRC "fought hard" for them not to be used in her campaign, against whom was she fighting, hard? Secondly, if she was fighting hard against something, a thing that was in fact her call to make, how exactly did she lose that fight?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Dem Debate

If it was relevant to ask Chris Dodd about his father being censured in 1967, why wasn’t it relevant to ask Hillary about her husband’s impeachment? Dodd’s dad did a lot of cool stuff, apparently the people of Iowa respected him, as Dodd’s answer got applause. Hillary always seemed to be waiting for hers.

There’s been a lot of discussion about the Oprah factor, so I’ll chime in too. I think what Oprah has done for Obama, if fine, but I don’t think it’s being properly read. Obama will benefit from Oprah, but so will most of the other candidates too. I think the real value of her endorsement is in giving American women permission to choose our president sans an ovarian litmus test. Without the ‘vote for Hillary or else you’re a traitor to your gender’ thing everybody’s a little more free to check out the issues, and vote for whomever we think will best see to our interests.

Wasn’t it nice of Mrs. Rodham to do that lovely commercial for her daughter? Such a low key person, doesn’t ever seem to be seen out of doors, unless she’s stumping for Hillary. “Hillary’s mom lives with her” was an included caption. Not included was any mention of Hillary’s husband’s residence.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Moral authority

Bill Clinton gave a heckler permission to disagree with him, provided he didn’t kill a tree to do it. Isn’t that great, he travels the world in a private jet, and yet he is morally superior to all those who use paper.

Does anybody remember a couple of weeks ago, a reporter with Republican leanings said that the Clinton camp had dug up some dirt on Obama, but were too superior to use it? Only to include in a press release that Obama wanted to be president in Kindergarten? Only to say that it was a joke? Now they’re using the spouse of one of their campaign chairs to bring up youthful drug use of their opponents. I’m sure Hillary is too cowardly to admit that she is behind the back-handed swipe, but it does beg the question, did Hillary inhale?

By the way, I did think it a fair question, when Tim Russert asked Rudy if presidential girlfriends were entitled to Secret Service protection, but we do have a precedent, are Bill Clinton’s girlfriends afforded such protection? How awkward could that get?

Monday, December 10, 2007


I’m bothered about these rampage shootings. I don’t understand these bozos. The guy in Omaha said he wanted to be famous. There are many ways to get famous, many of them also include making money, but he didn’t choose those. Instead he chose to kill a bunch of people that he probably didn’t even know, and himself. I can’t remember his name already. A month from now, nobody else will remember his name either, with the probable exception of those directly involved, those who had to bury their own. Plus, he killed himself, what’s the point of being famous if you’re dead?

I don’t know the name of this other bozo. Gunning down people at a church, what’s up with that? I do agree that people who are excessively churchy can be very annoying, but still…

Where are our leaders? Our elected officials, feeling the victims pain is fine, but not enough. Where is the NRA and the other gun clubs, denouncing these nut jobs? Where are the military recruitment officers, suggesting that those who would like to go on a rampage shooting, can serve their country by doing it in a war zone? Where are the many moguls of our nation, proclaiming rampage shootings bad for business?

Omaha Nebraska is known for being Warren Buffet’s town. Sure, many other billionaires also live there, but he’s the most famous. Also, he’s having a public conversation with Queen Clinton. I’m sure nobody actually believes that jihadist for healthcare started this recent ball rolling, but if it were to be discussed, it might show leadership. Of course it might also bring visions of Queen Clinton sitting in her DC mansion with her mother, waiting for the professionals to do their jobs, so that she could have her close-up.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


When a woman uses the expression "be quiet and out of the way" she does not mean she would like for you to pay her more attention. She is not fishing for compliments. She means that she wants you to be quiet and out of the way. She is letting you know that the best way to please her, is to be quiet, and out of the way. Really.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So Bubba's unhappy with the press for not reporting on his wife's experience. Maybe the press would report on her experience if her experience could be verified. In my opinion, failing to make the White House records available means never getting to scold those who don't report on it. It's wrong to whine that nobody is reporting on that which you yourself is denying them access.

When Hillary said that she didn't want a "one night stand" with the voters, to me she implied that her husband did. It was a way to bring sex into the conversation. Not gender, sex. She's her most successful when people compensate her for her husband's activities.

Last week we had Mark Penn slamming Zogby on the grounds that Zogby doesn't know his business. Claiming that the poll the Clinton camp didn't like was flawed. Nevermind that Zogby's been in that business forever, and for at least the past five years, has been selling his polling data to Penn for Clinton. Well today Mark Penn decided to tell the world that crack Hillary made about Obama's kindergarten was a joke. Attention folks, if you have to label something as a joke, it's not a joke.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Why didn't she go?

Why didn't Hillary Clinton not want to go to the DNC meeting? I hope it was more than just ducking the press. I hope it was more than just wanting a day off to sit at home with her mother and play the mommy card. What does she need deniability about? Why didn't she attend?

In Politico, a guy sounding like a sycophant of the campaign said wonderful things about her photo op. He said terrific things about her camp, keeping her on schedule, only to be shown up the next by the weather, which kept her from her appointments. He said she looked presidential, which I agree she looked the part, after everything was over. I just don't agree that cloistering yourself at home with your mother is the sort of thing a respected and trusted leader does.

By the way CNN, as for that report you did, outside HRC's empty office, during the town's Christmas Parade, I enjoyed the Nutcracker music in the background.

Now that Gillian Gibbons is on her way home, and everything is all over, I'm sure we can expect at any moment a display of HRC's leadership prowess. Man, is she tough?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

New Hampshire Incident

It’s wonderful that nobody got hurt during the hostage situation. It was also a very lucky break for the Clintons. They’d had a bad week. Hillary Clinton’s campaign had just gotten busted, again, for planting another question, this time at the Republicans debate. It was also being reported that people in Iowa were getting annoyed with HRC’s repeated tardiness. How about that interview with Katie Couric, “It will be me.”

Do we think that Hillary Clinton canceled her schedule because she wanted to give a guy with a road flare taped to his body the power to stop her from making a speech at the DNC, or because she wanted to stay at home for the day? I don’t see any reason she should not have, at the very least, attended the DNC event.

Do we think that Bill Clinton canceled his schedule because he thought it was a good idea to give a guy with a road flare taped to his body the power to stop him in his tracks, or because it hadn’t yet wriggled out of his statement about being opposed to the war from the beginning? Was there concern that Charlie Rose might have brought that up?

It could not have been scripted better. It could not have been timed better. The conversation is completely changed. We a local guy that everybody knows, and nobody actually fears. He straps on a road flare, and goes to Clinton’s local office to bring attention to his inability to get the medical and mental help he needs, providing the perfect preamble for a conversation about Hillarycare.

I know Clinton needs New Hampshire. I just don’t know if the nation needs the sort of government that shuts down any time a person straps on a road flare.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

From the Beginning...

Bill Clinton said he opposed the war from the beginning. Let's pretend that that's true. It's a serious statement. It's possible that in private he may have opposed the war, since the beginning. Even though others contradict that statement, but let's just say that it is true, what does that mean? Does it mean that he failed to mention his position to his wife? Maybe, he could have been out of town, they are rarely in the same city at the same time. Of course, he might have called. Maybe he did tell her, but something else going on between them at the time, she might have voted to go to war to punish he husband, for his private behavior. I don't know. It might mean that his wife simply does not listen to his advice on foreign policy. It might mean that those willing to vote for his wife because they think that he'll be there to help her, should put a little more thought into it. Of course it might mean that he was lying. That might also be something worthy of consideration.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What to say...

So Queen Hillary is angry about a Saudi rape victim being punished, that's nice. Hypocritical, but nice. The truth is, even though in this country there isn't an organized form of punishment for rape victims, the victim is usually blamed. Usually punished in one unofficial form or another. By the way, Hillary Clinton also wanted the names of rape victims in New York to be made public. By the way, Mark Penn's firm is representing "Aqua Dots" the toy that when ingested mimics to effects of one of the date rape drugs. Odd her stance on how the US needs to do more to protect American children, when her own people are working to sanitize the reputation of such a product.

Happy shopping!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

May & Flower

"You can't stand the heat, and you're not going into the kitchen" Is that what King George always says when he pardons the turkeys, or is he showing up Queen Hillary?

Donor List

So Bill Clinton cannot make public the list of those who donated to his library because he wants to show respect for the donors privacy, but yet it's okay for his friends over at InfoUSA to sell the list. Ummm....

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Those poor people over in Bangladesh! What a pity it is that their savior is busy on the campaign trail! That's doubly rotten luck for them.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Files

Insinuation? Innuendo? These are a few of the Clintons favorite things. Hillary Clinton is incapable of finishing her own jokes, she instead insinuates the punch lines. She insinuates to the women of this country that she knows what a glass ceiling is. She, who right out of an ivy league university, worked toward impeaching a sitting president. Who was hired at the Rose Law firm only after her legal husband became the Attorney General of the state. Who was made partner when her legal husband became the Governor of that state. She's experienced impediments in her career because she's a woman. HUH? What impediments?

The Clintons have kept files on many people throughout the years. (Some of whom have never had Bill.) They slime and smear many, many people, but always in a cowardly way.

For Obama to have reacted any differently than to call out the Clinton camp for doing exactly what they have made a lifetime of doing, would have been naive. Obama should be relieved they haven't yet, used innuendo to have him labled a prostitute.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Why aren't any of the candidates addressing people in this country who simply don't want health insurance? Many of us see it as a scam, an homage to Richard Nixon, and simply don't want it. We don't want it because we can't afford it, we can afford it, we don't want it. Sure, sometimes we get a flu, or a cold, but nothing serious. We just don't think it's worth the money. I realize that there are some people who aren't so lucky as to be so healthy, and my heart goes out to them. My heart, but not my purse. I don't mind pitching in for the random unexpected exotic disease, or a freak injury, it's the sense of entitlement that is unpalatable. Most people should buy their own asprin, if they want to get into a buying club for prescriptions, it's okay with me, just don't mandate it.

This crop of candidates all seem to be for Universal Health Care, that we're entitled to it. Queen Hillary, who failed to get it passed when her legal husband was president, when the Congress was Democratic, has a plan to include illegal aliens. Can I get a WTF? Elliot Spitzer goes through all the trouble to be a gentleman and drop the driver's licenses for illegals, (she was only asked that question once, she gave a one word answer, greatly impeding her ability to contradict herself) and she wants them to have free health care? Just because they broke American law for long enough to get rewarded?

Why does she prefer illegals to Americans?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Asbestos Pantsuit?

So last night Queen Hillary announced that she was wearing an asbestos pantsuit. Huh? I thought "turn up the heat" was her phrase. Okay, so maybe she shares it with OJ Simpson, but still...

I don't agree accusing your opponent of throwing mud and being like republicans is fighting back. I think it's whining. I further think that if Queen Hillary had the backbone to be in this race, we'd know about her record. We wouldn't have to rely on her word "I've been fighting for women and children for 35 years" we'd look at the records to prove that. We'd look at the White House records and see what she has done. We'd have something balance the public sliming of those many women the Clintons have targeted. Granted, many of whom have had her husband, but not all.

I think stacking the audience is only smart to a point. I thought it distracting and disrespectful of the process. It felt more like a high school rally. Any underhanded act that is noticeable insults everybody. Stacking the audience is a more obvious gesture than simply planting questions.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I don't think there was anything wrong with the way John McCain handled the "how do we beat the bitch" question. Hillary Clinton's honor, such as it is, is not McCain's to defend. This drivel that CNN's putting out that people are calling Queen Hillary a bitch because she's successful, accomplished, and strong is complete nonsense! People have been calling Hillary Clinton a bitch for at least as long as she has been demonizing other women, not all of whom by the way have had her husband. Connie Chung did an interview with Newt Gingrich's mother when bitch was used to describe Hillary Clinton, and aired it.

I think we've gone too far with policing other people's vocabulary. Disapproving of somebody else's word choice doesn't make you sophisticated. This is the United States, and in this country if a grown up adult person choses to express an opinion, it's okay. If a naughty word is uttered in a room full of adults, that's okay too.

Incidentally, you high-toned hypocrites, I understand why nice people don't use the N-word, but I'm a little unclear why it's fine to say moocacka. Would it not be more correct to call it the M-word?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sandy for Prezie

Sandra Day O'Connor is running for president. She must be, why else would her husband's relationships be at issue? Her husband who has Alzheimer's is in an assisted living home, where he met a female friend. If it's a romance, it isn't unusual for people with that disease to simply forget they're married. I wonder if that's what Bill Clinton's got.

I realize that many people are angry with Bill Clinton for protecting his little lady, but I don't think it's a bad thing. Nobody has ever liked Hillary Clinton, they gave Bill Clinton a free pass when it came to cheating on her, because they didn't like her. Men and black women all agree that without Bill to "help her" they would never vote for Hillary. They are willing to subvert the spirit of the Constitution because they like Bill. So many people seem to like Bill Clinton, I don't, of course. It isn't his philandering, it's the cock-blocking. Bubba, do stop doing that to me. Anyway, he's got to be out in front, otherwise people might realize that Hillary doesn't have the influence in her own marriage to get those papers released. This way we simply think that Hillary Clinton is cherry-picking the intelligence that we the American people get to make our decision. George Bush did that, see how well that worked.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Where is Randall Rolph when you need him? This is the guy whom Queen Hillary smacked down because she thought he was a plant. He'd asked her a question that she'd heard before, how dare he? Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff a college student was recruited by the Hillary Clinton camp to ask a specific question. Queen Hillary answered it. Later, a spokesperson said that Queen Hillary had no idea about the plant. Anybody believe that? Of those who do, how smart is Hillary Clinton? She is uniformly unaware of tacky and illegal conduct of those around her. She doesn't seem to understand the voting process. Many think that she's studious, but voted to go to war without reading the intelligence report, without having a debate. She again gave license to King George to attack another country, without permission, and then signed a letter saying that he needs permission. She dresses like a feminist, but protected her meal ticket. She's only thought about herself. She says that she sees both sides of the give driver's license to illegal aliens argument, but what side is she on? It's very nice for a leader to see all sides of an issue, but leaders are supposed to lead, they're supposed to see around the bend. She is responsible for the votes she's cast, and her campaign. I don't expect anybody to be right all of the time, but I do expect that a candidate control their surrogates conduct.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Swift Boat

Do we think that Bill Clinton's re-energizing Hillary's position on granting illegal aliens driver's licenses was a mistake? Or do we think that they'd rather talk about that instead of the Peter Paul video? I think that calling it a swift-boating, he hopes that it will inoculate Hillary on that.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Does the Teflon Blonde have any comment about the WGA strike? I'm for it. I'm hoping that writers are properly paid, and maybe they'll also get Kluger off the list. Why not, he steals most of his stuff from me, and then he ruins the rhythm and destroys the jokes. Rotten chiselers.

Don't worry about this folks, I'll still post.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I'm Confused

Okay, so Queen Hillary was for granting driver's licenses to illegal aliens, before she said that she was against it, and now political pundits say that her clarification of her position means that she's for it, again, or is it, still. Are we sure?

Why would she do that? Illegal aliens cannot yet vote. But with these cards, voter fraud could be on the rise. Plus, aliens to this country have put a lot of money into Hillary Clinton's chest. Could that be the reason?

If you were an illegal alien, and you were up to no good, would apply for a card, from the government, telling the government your address? If you were an illegal alien, honest and hard-working, would you fill out a form telling the people who don't want you here, where you live?

I guess I'm not smart enough to understand why this is a good idea.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Wasn’t it nice of Hillary Rodham Clinton to celebrate John McCain’s service to the nation by having that birthday party/fundraiser. When Elvis Costello sang, Hillary seemed not to be on the stage. Bill was a few paces front, Chelsea was nearest the audience, Hillary had triangulated herself out of view, only the bowing of her head, as to except an imaginary crown, allowed her to be seen at all.

But for McCain’s anniversary, she’d have partied on her own birthday. Sure she kept the funds raised for herself, but let’s not be snitty about that. After all, she did have Chelsea wear an adorable designer “Dorothy dress” to honor all our service men and women. Anybody who says that outfit was meant as a wink to the gay and lesbian community is just being mean. There’s nothing Hillary can do about that. I did not see video of heels actually clicking together.

Queen Hillary’s real birthday was Friday, the 27th. I remember almost two years ago, a couple of months after her 58th birthday, she was spotted wearing a new ring. It wasn’t a pretty ring, it wasn’t a big ring, it was almost exactly like the BLING! Kobe Bryant bought for his own wife. A statement was released, saying that her husband had given her months earlier for her 58th. Usually, Bill Clinton obligates the nation to compensate his wife for his personal conduct, kind of a high stakes game of dine and ditch. It was a welcome change, him reaching into HIS OWN pocket to buy his wife a birthday gift. My question, what did he buy her for this birthday?

Saturday, October 27, 2007


So Gov. Spitzer (D) has decided that illegal immigrants in New York should be granted driver's licenses and car insurance. Does Hillary Clinton have a position on this? She has lots of opinions, she should have an opinion on this, being a junior senator from NY.

Oh dear, my back is aching again.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I just have to say something about CA, and the recent troubles there, that's the way to play! Using Jack Murphy stadium as a way station, just to get folks clean, fed, and oriented so that they can take care of themselves, right on! People are drawing inappropriate comparisons to the CA wildfires and what happened in New Orleans, I think there are some important similarities, and differences.

Both communities knew what was coming. New Orleans had at least twenty years of foresight, and funding. Unfortunately, they also had dishonest people pocketing the money. The CA people, didn't have as crystal ball, but instead they had years of constant practice, albeit on a smaller scale.

The people are different. Those in New Orleans were poor. Yes also black, but that doesn't matter nearly as much as the money factor. Those who were working, were raising families on the kind of money made by unskilled workers, cleaners, sous chefs and other positions positioned on the low end of the totem poll. Most of the residents of New Orleans were born there, surrounded by aunts, uncles and cousins. They made no deliberate decision to live in New Orleans, although it was home, it was really, just the place they happened to be.

The residents of southern California moved there on purpose, because that's where they wanted to be. The affected area of CA is very expensive, therefore those who are working regularly had high paying jobs, skilled positions, positions that required decision making. People accustomed to living with the consequences, both positive and negative. Unlike those in New Orleans, they were used to problem solving, and replacing workers when they weren't doing right. Ray Nagin would not have been reelected mayor in any town whose constituents were executives, regardless if the town were chocolate, vanilla, butterscotch, or tutti-fruity.

Parts of New Orleans will never be the way they were, but there is something okay about that. The French Quarter is already back and strong. CA will return just fine. In a few days, the heavens will open, the rains will come, and they'll be securely and happily in mudslide season.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


So Bill Clinton was absent when the other candidates' spouses got together for a public show of civility. He did raise funds for Hillary's campaign in Florida, a state where she signed a pledge that she would participate. We all know, that Hillary Clinton couldn't draw a crowd with a stencil. What was the point of the pledge, as she sent the party's rock star in her stead? Do we not think this is a little bit telling? It looks like somebody is not respecting the standards they agreed to live by. Does anybody remember Michigan? Clinton signed a pledge, along with the other Democratic candidates, to not participate in Michigan, but she left her name on the ballot there. The other candidates honored their pledges. Does Wolfie have a comment on this? By the way, Bill Clinton never got a majority of the vote, never. He never reached 50%, never.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Women don't dig Hillary...

How do I know that women don't dig Queen Hillary...because Mark Penn said so. I know that he said he did a private survey, and Republican women favor Hillary, so you know what he's saying.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tricky Dick

We often think that Hillary Clinton would not be where she is without her marriage to Bubba, a fair ponderance. But I’m wondering where she would be without Richard Nixon. It was Richard Nixon who started the health insurance industry.
It was Richard Nixon who opened China, where later, she and her husband got all that lovely money. It was during the Watergate investigation that she got close to Bubba. It was during that investigation of illegal wiretapping that she researched every inch and angle of the impeachment process.

Queen Hillary apparently listened in on illegally taped conversations her husband’s political rivals had. Not only is that stated in a new book, but it was also outlined in the “Primary Colors” movie, making it at least two sources. I don’t agree that she should get a pass on that. I don’t care if those rivals had been discussing political strategy regarding her husband’s girlfriends. I don’t see her as an innocent bride, emptying her husband’s pockets in preparation for the dry cleaner, finding a woman’s phone number and dialing it. I don’t agree that this is any way on par with a mother going into her husband’s wallet, just to get cash for their daughter to buy her weekly school lunch ticket, and accidentally finding a receipt for a florist, or the Hyatt. She was not eavesdropping on her husband, she was eavesdropping on a political rival.

Nobody ever accused Richard Nixon of personally breaking in and planting listening devices, and I don’t see any distinction between what Richard Nixon did, that cost him the presidency, and what Hillary Clinton did. Why shouldn’t it cost her something?

Definition Friend

I know the definition of the word friend. I don’t appreciate being contradicted by those who pollute everything around me, displaying their arrogance, ignorance and condescension. I know the exact value of my experience, and I don’t appreciate it being defined by those who only know the propaganda put out by a professional con team, resentful of refunding this mark’s money. The truth is, getting my money back was easy, and I think they're scared of other marks getting their money back too. The impossible would have already been done, years ago, but for my friends constantly regurgitating the aforementioned propaganda, and doing me the favor of blocking my shots. Seriously, it is not reasonable for anyone to get a proper measure of anything while they're being busied by professionals who are tricking them into doing their dirty work. I don't blame anybody for being suckered. The fault comes when they refuse to stop being suckered. If you want my friendship, be quiet, and out of the way.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


On the theory that G.W. Bush became president because of "activist judges" is it not equally plausible that "activist judges" are protecting Hillary Clinton from the Peter Paul lawsuit? The Hillary Clinton campaign was fined by the FEC. She's a micro-manager. Doesn't it makes sense?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week of Women?

All this week, the Clinton camp will be courting the women's vote. The indicator to that, the camp already announced that they have the women's vote. I'm pretty sure that Bubba's attendance is forbidden.

Queen Hillary, who is entitled to whatever she wants, made public that she and her campaign had "no idea" that feminists would support her campaign. Months ago, the National Organization of Women endorsed her. Months ago Emily's list endorsed her. Why wouldn't the campaign think that feminists would support any candidate that had those endorsements? Who had access to those contact lists? Did the campaign think that feminists would do their own research, or simply remember that few people, man or woman, have done so much to hobble the feminist movement? Would they remember that Hillary's only employment came as a result of her husband? She began working for the Rose Law Firm, only after he was elected Attorney General of Arkansas. She kept her maiden name, not because she was used to it, not because other people in professional circles were used to it, not because it simply suited her, but because she, and the firm, and Bill wanted to be sneaky. The firm and their clients did business with the state, and wanted to be discrete about their pull. Also, Hillary Rodham arranged for those complaining about her husband sexually harassing them to hire lawyers loyal to the offending respondent, not the women plaintiffs, who were paying them. Feminists should have a problem with that.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Mainstream media, why are you allowing Princess Hillary get away with this "Everybody's wrong about everything" crap? She doesn't agree that voting to go to war was a vote to go to war. She thinks it's a prelude to negotiations. She doesn't agree that a vote to label another country's army as a terrorists organization is a prelude to war, she thinks it's a prelude to negotiations. At least that's what she says she thinks. Is she really this dumb, or does she simply have no respect for the intelligence and sophistication of adult grown-up people?

She calls Obama "naive" for "telegraphing" his willingness to talk to other countries. She let Howark Wolfsen out of his crate to belittle her competition for agreeing to talk to a "Holocaust Denier" and recently stated her intention to talk to that same "Holocaust Denier" whom we've recently learned, is also a Persian gay people denier.

She starts fights and then declares herself the injured party. That isn't smart.

Media, you've caught Hillary Clinton lying about the kind of national policy that continues old wars, and starts new wars. It gets Americans maimed and killed, dead. Next time she sics Wolfsen onto you, roll up a newspaper and smack his snout.

Friday, October 12, 2007


I was pretty sure that Gore would take the Nobel Peace Prize, but I didn't think that would make him run for president, until Princess Hillary congradulated him on her website. She's scared, a day in the life of a coward, true, but still. After all, it was her husband's extra-martial "ministries" and his refusal to man up about them, that allowed the republicans to steal the election. If Gore had been president, would we be at war now? Cleaving onto his job was good for Clinton, and bad for America.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


If Hillary Clinton were really the best qualified to be president, why do all the rules have to change in order to help her win? How many years has the election calendar been pretty much the same, but now that she's in the race, a change to benefit her is necessary? Some states will not count. What's up with that? As her main qualification is being married to an impeached president, why won't her rivals mention that? Too embarrassed to win? Or has the DNC become so beholding to Bill Clinton, they feel it their responsibility to compensate the woman who enabled Bubba to be so selfish? (He didn't have to be impeached, the Clintons wanted him impeached.) Was it Biden who assured her that he was discussing "policy" when the old stuff was mentioned in a debate? As for her leading in the Senate, sure, she put her name to some bills, and get in the pictures, but on the rare occasion, when she was absent from the photo, her staff would curse out their staff. Yes, it's amusing, but it's not what I look for in a leader.

Biden and Brownback, they might be the ones who lead us out of Iraq.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Flustered under pressure

Members of Princess Hillary's campaign have argued loudly in public, and she can't maintain her composure when it comes to a question from Randall Rolph. According to the print coverage, as there doesn't seem to be video on this, (even taser boy had video) Rolph wanted to know why he should vote for her, as she doesn't learn from her mistakes, as she voted to bring us to war once, and now twice. She said his premise was wrong. I don't think anything's wrong with his question, and I don't think Randall Rolph is anybody's shill. I do think she's ungrateful to Iowans, the first time she's ahead of their polls, she picks a fight, and declares herself a victim. I think there's something wrong with that.

There are Americans who mind going to war. Although I'm willing to concede that in Princess Hillary's mind she was voting for diplomacy, on the paper, what was written down, brought us to war. She voted again, in her mind, for diplomacy, on the paper, it's a prelude to war.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hillary surprize?

Princess Hillary has been exploiting the September 11, attacks almost since it happened. She publicly stated that daughter Chelsea, jogging by herself in Battery Park. Battery Park is in very close proximity of Ground Zero. Its beautiful view of the Hudson river, includes Lady Liberty. Also it has basketball courts, pool tables, and open fields where the best people showcase their loose knees and agile ankles as they play soccer scrimmage games nearly every afternoon. When New Yorkers cried out with an explicative about the accuracy of Chelsea's location at the time of the attacks, Princess Hillary modified her statement to say that Chelsea was on Park Ave South, standing outside on the street, alone in line waiting patiently for her turn to use the pay phone. New Yorkers repeated the explicative. The statement was again modified to say that Chelsea was inside a friend's apartment, and nothing was mentioned about her Secret Service protection. We stopped swearing at her then. Not because she said something that we considered believable, we just didn't care, we had work to do.

I lived about about a half of a mile from the former WTC, and I had plenty of time, so I worked with many organizations, I was on site for easily a thousand hours or more, (no, I'm not sick) but I started working with the Seaman's Museum Group, because their were no services in the area at the time, I cooked food, served it, washed dishes, ran the company store. I distributed batteries, clothing, duct tape, hard hats, googles, gloves, air masks, first aid, and whatever else was needed. I pushed a wheel barrel around the site, passing out Red Bull and cigarettes. I did everything I was asked to do, I did not work the bucket brigade. I would have, was about to, but some guy said that I couldn't and I needed to do something else. I'm sure I was offended at the time, but there was so many other things that also needed doing, and in hindsight, I'm grateful he stepped in to stop me.

I want you to take another look at that ad Princess Hillary approved. In the picture, she's wearing a mask. Those masks were distributed about three weeks in, if memory serves. They were uncomfortable, heated your breath, and made it hard to talk. The moment a supervisor turned his back, everybody took them off, we wore them on our necks. Look at the picture, those there to do the work, have them on their necks. Princess Hillary is wearing hers on her face, like a tourist.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Okay, so Obama out raises Clinton is two quarters, and Clinton out raises Obama in one quarter, but Obama has out raised Clinton in total, but Clinton is a winner? It doesn't make sense to me. Obama didn't vote to go to war, and Clinton did, but says that she didn't mean to do that. Perhaps we should ask Bill Clinton for a definition of the word "smart."

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bad Luck

Poor Clarence Thomas. Just as he's coming out with his book, the Isaiah Thomas (no relation) sexual harassment suit is winding up. Talk about bad luck. Although, I do think it time for him to get over it. Clarence Thomas has stated that he still feels that Anita Hill was used by his political enemies, which I think is unfair. Of course Anita Hill was used, as was Clarence Thomas, but why is he so confident that they weren't being used by his political friends? Is it not possible that H. W. Bush, who nominated him for the Supreme Court, might not have been interested in the way a sexual harassment charge would have been handled? He and Bill Clinton have been political partners for a very long time, they were likely aware of each other, and their respective ambitions long before. Everybody has always known about Bill Clinton's chronic proclivities... It's just a thought, I don't claim to be smart. As a matter of fact, I did need Bill Clinton telling me what I thought when I heard the word dynasty. It never occurred to me that when I heard that word, I'd think of England's monarchy. I think that, I would have thought about the dynasties in Asia, Ming, and the like. But of course that would have made me think thoughts Asian names, which would have brought me back to the Chinese money laundering service from which the Clintons have made a habit of accepting money, and granting access. That just wouldn't do, not for Bill' sHill.

Friday, September 28, 2007


The Clintons are playing that "ask your mother, ask your father" game. So Neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton speak for each other, not when it comes to money, and the appearance of influence peddling, but Bill Clinton's attorney speaks for Chelsea? Why have we not heard from the 27 year old? Chelsea Clinton is 27 years old. Since she got out of college, four years back, she's had a job that paid in the six figure range. Sure her parents arranged for her employment, but does really mean they own her? Is it possible that she, who posed for the picture with Nino, doesn't particularly mind that he keeps it in his window? Is it possible that Bill Clinton is simply being a prick?

Bubba's going on "Meet the Press" this weekend. What are the odds that he'll be making all the rounds on the Sunday shows, as a reciprocation for their indulgence with his wife? Who of course is her own person. However average.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

R U Kidding?

Anybody else impressed with Bill Clinton having a lawyer letter sent to a restaurant that happened to have a picture of Chelsea and the restaurant's owner in the window? How outrageous is that? I don't know Nino, but I know his restaurants, and I know people who do know him. How old is Chelsea now? Time to act like an adult. If you want your picture to come down, don't whine to your parents, or their attorneys. Whine to Nino instead.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So, after 35 or more years in the public eye, HRC's finally getting better at communicating in public. Good for her. But seriously folks, did anybody ever have a lower bottom, than Hillary Rodham, and sometimes Clinton? You know that Michael Caine instructional video, came out a very long time ago, it's about time she made use of it. Much better than the bobble-head move she's been so reliant upon for so long. Of course now she's deponent upon a hired human laugh track. Word of advice, let her finish the joke before you tell the world to laugh. Darth Vader needed to have emerged and DONE SOMETHING for it to have been funny. Anticipatory excitement is best left for Hitchcock films. The funniest thing I've ever heard her say was that crack she made about men not washing their hands, course coming from a Clinton, it did have adulterous connotations. But, funny.

What is this surprise about the Clintons controlling the media? They've known for a long time that if they can mute other's voices, then you only hear what they have to say. This way they arrange to chose your choices for you. They do allow you to believe that you've made up your own mind, acted as your own person, but that's really just a private little joke. They've been intimidating reporters for years. The press in other countries have made comments about it. I really did think it was widely understood. Only pictures that the Clinton people want printed, are printed, if a reporter does go so far as to print a less than adoring article gets a phone call. If a source is quoted saying something less than adoring, there are repercussions. When was the last time Mrs. Rodham gave an interview? Oprah, that's when.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hillary's rounds

Where were the Clintons while the Jena, LA rally was going on? I know, just because neither the candidate nor her husband, whose name she drops often, bless her poor heart, were in attendance, doesn't mean they didn't make political hay about it. I do think it a shame that Hillary couldn't pronounce the name of the town correctly, whatever her accent of the day.

HRC made the talk show rounds this past Sunday, I only saw her on Meet the Press. I watched while she batted her eyes as she lied, about everything. She made excuses for her ignorance about the Iraq war, her acceptance of dirty money. (By the way, have you looked at her website lately? The fund raisers are for little itty bitty money now.) She was condescending as she laughed when asked about many of the things people want to understand. Okay, so she took a swipe at Iran's president, but how hard is that? Really.

Actually, she did look good. Cute outfit, I have bed linens the same color green as she wore. Plus, I think she's growing out her hair. Maybe she'll go so far as to do a flip, you know, sort of like "That Girl"

Thursday, September 20, 2007


O.J. is out of jail. His endorsement is no longer on princess Hillary's website, I guess that's called damage control. Vilsack, who is well paid by Clinton, is going after Rudy, and Clinton says he speaks for himself. She is so gutless! She says that she speaks for herself, well that's fine, except for that thing about representing the people of this country. You want to speak only for yourself, fine, go home, bake cookies, and have teas.

Yesterday, she has a fund raiser for lobbyists who paid for access to lawmakers. Lobbyists are those people hired by special interest groups to affect to laws of the nation. They paid a candidate for access, to lawmakers.

Norman Hsu is indicted for a 60 million dollar Ponzi scam. Hillary has no problem with this, because so many other people were fooled by him too. Not that those other people profited off him as her campaign has. So what if the Clintons, who have the Secret Service vet anyone and everyone they might possibly come into contact with, never-mind be photographed. To believe that the members of the Secret Service, charged with the protection of a former president's family is that consistently incompetent, well it requires a willing suspension of disbelief.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Free Speech

Sally Field has been a professional actress for a very long time. She knows how things work. Instead of discussing the war, we’re talking about whether or not Fox had the option to cut, however badly, her speech. Which was the point she was hoping to make?

As for that boy who got tased, whose fault was that? I think I’d call it a tie. He wanted to be tased. The police were dumb to tase to him.

Now we have the guy who incited everything, as the victim. A martyr to his art. Also we have generation next, protesting, protesting. How very retro. I don’t know where they went for lattes. My favorite picture was the small sea of frightened coeds, who have never been without their bicycle helmets, taping the end of the incident.

By the way, what do we know about our friend the videographer? He had a very good angle, and he got it from the very beginning. How’d he do that? Did he tape everybody? Was he paid?

Kerry got it right.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


So has decided to go after Rudy for quitting the Iraq Study Group, for making a living, and not taking part in writing the intelligence report. Okay, that's fine. But where's the criticism of Hillary for NOT READING it? She decided that an hour of her time was more valuable than the lives of those sent to war. Being wrong is something we all are from time to time, but I wonder if it's really so much to expect that our leaders to prepare for the big decisions. She deliberately closed her eyes to the available information. That's fine for somebody who is too afraid to even try to make it on her own, sans her philandering husband, but is that is that what we want in a leader?

Again with the General Betray Us thing. She's now saying that she has great respect for the general, the same general whom she publicly, in front of Congress, and TV cameras called a liar. Gee, that was smart. Now if she becomes president the members of the military will have to guess if they'll take their orders from the president, who doesn't believe or trust the generals, or the generals who are undermined by the president.

Envisioning Hillary Clinton as prepared, or a leader, or really anything other than a desperate and vicious hanger-on does require a willing suspension of disbelief.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Timing is the tell...

Anybody out there care about OJ Simpson anymore? His life has become a Greek tragedy. Up from nowhere, worked hard, accomplished fame fortune, most likely killed his trophy (ex) wife, got away with it, and now may die in jail. But luckily this latest incident happened just after his book "if I Did It" was released. Why didn't Riccio just call the cops himself? What did Tom Riccio get in return for setting up this sting? Of course he's the one who set everybody up, but why? Why would this guy manipulate the Nevada police, and everybody else like this? Often the answer to that is money, is that the answer this time?

Back to Hillary. I know there are a lot of people who believe her low profile last week was due to the Hsu scandal. But did you know that last week her brother was to have a trial regarding a "loan" that he didn't repay to people who were pardoned by Bill Clinton? I didn't know that. I should have known that. The case was settled, the terms not disclosed. I don't think it was any one money scandal that made her hide in her hole last week, I think it was many. But with the Clintons, we'll always have the constant of many, many scandals.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Bill Maher asked Hillary Clinton about being fooled by George Bush, and the snot didn't credit me! See my blog entry entitled, "Armstrong debate" and tell that shill that I want my check.

By the way, HRC, whatever anybody thinks of George Bush, his policies, his personality, he isn't complicated.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Move on

What can be said about It's an organization that exists for the sole purpose of protecting and promoting the Clintons. They don't even allow polling among their own members that might possibly not favor Clinton. Although somebody did try. When Hillary was running for Senate, an internal poll was requested to find out the opinions of the members. The poll wasn't conducted. Odd.

Also odd, a woman who wants to be commander-in-chief, not condemning Moveon's ad, slamming a general, in the Times. By the way, as for Moveon picking on Katie Couric, pro-wrestling.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


I was at the Hollywood Bowl, when the Three Tenors came to town. It was a great night! Must be at least ten or twelve years ago by now..
'Night, night.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Clinton on King

So Bill Clinton went on Larry King's show. He also said that the Republicans were "outed" for being hypocrites a long time ago. He uses the English language well. He's also a hypocrite, although he fails to mention that. He says that he was Impeached for political reasons. He says that it was a fluke. He fails to mention his wife wouldn't have a chance at putting him back into the White House without the Impeachment. He says that he's trying hard to keep a promise. What promise is that? Is it to not screw around on his wife? How's that working out? He doesn't say...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Laddie

Okay, so Bill Clinton told a funny joke, last spring. He said he wanted to be "first laddie" funny. Last spring.

It's been announced that Bill Clinton's planning a fundraiser in Ireland. No mention of him physically going to China for contributors, but I guess that's sort of implied.

Ann Lewis proclaimed that Hillary fought hard, and won, for safe medicine for children. That's amazing. Can you imagine the mammoth opposition for safe medicine for children?

James Carville often says that he is sympathetic to Hillary Clinton, says that he used to work for her and her husband, in turn. He doesn't mention if he is still on the payroll. The reason I mention, most people do pity Hillary Clinton, and Carville is often calling Hillary the "most improved" of all the candidates. Remember when you were in school, and the teacher said somebody was the "most improved" did you envy that person? Just asking.

Friday, August 31, 2007


I was nearly T-Boned last night. I was returning home on Duke Street, after a lovely evening that included sailing and Indian food. So what if I did some of the cooking, a good time, for a good cause, was had by all.

I'm stopped behind an SUV, and the light turned green, he proceeded through the intersection. But I noticed another SUV, who was about to make an illegal left turn, so I waited at the light. Had I proceeded per normal, he would have T-Boned me. As it was however, a police cruiser was only a few lanes to my right, had been traveling at a normal rate of speed. The cruiser had to take evasive action, turning a hard right, onto the sidewalk and hitting a pole, putting out the traffic light. The wrong SUV, stopped for a moment, the officer then got out of his cruiser. The SUV in the wrong, left. The officer shouted for him to stop, and gave him a little foot chase, but he was gone. I didn't get a plate number, so I left too. He'd already radioed for help, and I passed his back-up en route

I'm a defensive driver. But if I die in an "accident" I want somebody to have a tantrum.

Hillary Clinton was on Letterman last night. She isn't funny.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Money, money, money

The Clinton camp is having money troubles, again. Yes, again. Do we remember Peter Paul? He's still suing them. He got some convictions against a Clinton employee. I know, just because the Clintons employ people who break the law, on behalf of the Clintons, doesn't reflect on them in the slightest. The Clintons have decided to give Mr. Hsu's contribution to charity, Donna Rice, check your mail. I know it seems like nothing, but considering how painful it is for any Clinton to part from a dime, anyone's dime, it's pretty fair. Besides, Hsu is still hosting a fund-raiser for Hillary next month. Are we finished talking about the creative bookkeeping practices that enabled a struggling family, whose only breadwinner brings home 47k per annum? How did that family contribute so much to the Clinton fund? And even more importantly, WHY?!? Personally, I could have mocked the Clintons no matter who laundered those funds. The fact those involved are of Asian decent, is a disapointment. When something is this easy, it removes much of the joy. I'll still do it, of course, but it won't be nearly as much fun.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


So Hillary is picking up the support of the unions, relationship to the Penn the union buster is apparently not a problem. I’m wondering, as the unions have supported one Clinton or another for such a long time, and we cannot know about Hillary’s time in the White House until after the election, is there a connection? That is to say, even though we’re supposed to believe that Hillary did stuff while having an address in Washington, but we’re not to know of her accomplishments, if there were any. If there were accomplishments, I’m surprised that they aren’t touted. The Clintons often tout accomplishments. Granted usually they are other people’s accomplishments, but still…

The question I am asking, are there records of Hillary Clinton speaking to those who held sway with the union responsible for going out on strike, or whatever it was that enabled Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky to come into contact? I am asking if Hillary Clinton made arrangements for her husband to be in the situation that helped get him impeached. I do realize most rational people would not have gone through that, had they had a choice, but Hillary Clinton has frequently been obligated to publicly face her husband’s unfenced eye. She’s often punished un-established women. What if she was able to chose whom to put in front of her husband? She’d know his type. Hillary’s not shy about loading the deck, when was the last time you had a chocolate chip OATMEAL cookie? She would not be in the position she is now, had he not been impeached. Be angry all you like, it deserves an answer.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Armstrong debate

Lance Armstrong is hosting a debate on cancer, that’s nice. Nicer still if he wears a jacket. Remember, the other option is all the candidates dressing in his gear…it was good to see Hillary wearing a shirt in Iowa. The men wear suits according to the color of the day, she doesn’t have to do that. She’s a girl.

Democratic candidates should go after Hillary Clinton, assuming that they would like a Democrat in the White House. Bill Maher said that he was for Hillary Clinton, but was sure that the Republicans would beat her. His reason was that the Republicans would come up with something, probably about Bill, and that would make her lose, but he added it wouldn’t be Hillary’s fault. I disagree. It will be Hillary’s fault. It will also be the fault of all the candidates who don’t go after her. We only know, what we know, and some of us have put it out of our minds. It’s so distasteful, why are we willing to go through all of that again?

Even if the Republicans don’t have anything, I know it’s unlikely, but go with me here, it’s possible with all of the early primaries, that the Clinton machine will shove Hillary down our collective throat, she’ll have the nomination in February, and do a public washing of their own laundry, by March we’ll be so saturated that we’ll believe them when we’re told that the news is old. When November rolls around, we’ll consider it a given, and therefore not important. Either way, we’d still have to hear it, still take part of those uncomfortable conversations. Ugg.

She’s easy to beat. All anybody has to do is make a little contact. That will bring out Wolfson, and his condescending tone “I can’t believe you’re not willing to live up to your own standards?!?”

You reply, “My candidate is running for president, not princess, there is no royal whiner in our campaign.”

Wolfson, in a painful expression, “Your so inexperienced, so naïve, it’s a travesty that you’re even in the race.”

You, “You’re candidate has been “fooled” by the president for 16 years. Eight of those years the president was her husband, of course he’s been “fooling” her for their entire marriage.”

Wolfson, “She wasn’t fooled, she handled it. What a shame it is that you brought that up.”

You, “You’re candidate’s experience is frontloaded on punishing women who’ve had her husband. This country does not want to go through another Impeachment of a Democratic president. That would surely break the back of this nation.”

Wolfson, “Whaaa, that was a low blow”

You, “So is cock-stopping those to whom you’re not married!

Right now, it looks as if the fix is in. If we Americans are not entitled to an honest race, at the very least, give us a decent show.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Swipe at Hilary?

Did Michelle Obama take a swipe at Hillary Clinton? Some say yes, others say no. I say, if it wasn't a swipe, it should have been. If we as a nation return the Clintons to the White House, all of their baggage also returns. We need to know that, we need to own it. It will be our own damn fault. Bill Clinton has been screwing around on his wife since before they married. It's one thing when a president screws around, is it a different thing when a president is screwed around upon? It's worth some thought. Hillary Clinton is not an innocent. She brutalized her husband's girlfriends, and everybody, including feminists let her do it. Often, she was aided in this endeavor. What happens when Bill chooses a women who has a little weight of her own? What international problems would that create? Bill Clinton could have gotten out of being impeached, he brought that onto the nation himself. All he had to do was settle a case, a case that he did settle. He chose instead to make his shortcomings the problem of the nation. Now the Clintons want the nation to be responsible again for their conduct. We need to consider their conduct, and decide if that weight is worth us bearing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I scolded Hillary just now. Sent emails to her campaign, complaining about her disloyalty to somebody we both know. As her website would not accept emails from my personal account, I tried twice, I sent it from this account. It went through, without restarting, so I snitched her out about screwing with my emails to her campaign.

I don't care how arrogant it is, I'd like to upgrade my enemies please.


So Warren Buffet is bargain shopping...good thing those French banks made that so easy, not that Steven Kluger had anything to do with that of course...

It does make more sense than the sex industry people rallying around the least sexual candidate running for president, unless they're just courting her husband's patronage...

Monday, August 20, 2007


Hillary Clinton's papers from her days as first lady will not be made public until after the election, what's up with that? If her experience as first lady is something we should all be impressed about, why can't we use that information to make our decision? Sounds dirty to me...

What about John Kerry advising the Clinton on how to win Arkansas? Are the Clintons new to Arkansas? Are they unknowns there? Good thing football season is coming, Hillary's got some reading to do, maybe she'll take a book the a Razorback game...

I'm still confused why HRC didn't read the Iraq study group report, well I'm not confused about laziness, just about the point when a person refuses to understand, and then takes their ignorance as a license to act without considering the consequences...

I guess I'm just not smart enough.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


For Bill Clinton to call his wife "the most prepared, the most electable" is almost on par with Ann Coulter calling Bill Clinton gay.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Who is she?

Jennifer Jacobs, of the Des Moines Register, does anybody know her? Her name is on an article, "Clinton, no stranger to state fair food" that makes me wonder. Is she picking a fight with me, or is she a graduate of the Steven Glass school of journalism? Is she smart enough, or just another of those mindless drones that the Clintons use to draw fire? Please read the article, and let me know your thoughts, I think she writes like she's 12 years old, Hillary probably did it for her. Let's hope her penmanship is better.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Why would the White House pick another fight with Hillary Clinton? You don't suppose that Republicans are helping Hillary Clinton to do to the Democrats what George Bush did to the Republicans? Let's face it folks, Bill Clinton MIGHT be able to make to the primaries without getting caught with a woman not his wife, remember, he has Secret Service to protect him, but what's the likelihood of him making it, through to the general?

Hillary Clinton stole the invisibility concept, and I know from whom. I used to be angry about that sort of constant thievery, but now I'm looking at it with fresh eyes. I always thought the Clintons and the Klugers stole because they felt entitled, but now I wonder if they are just frightened. If they were as smart as they pay people to tell others, their egos wouldn't allow for anybody else's copy? Maybe somewhere inside those conceited people, they know that they're just plain old nasty posers, who could get found out any moment. It's really very sad. Also, a possible explanation to the dirty way they compete.

By the way, HRC you might want to back off the 'back-bone' comments. Although I did find it laugh out load funny, you don't have my sense of humor, and you can shove your damn threats.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's been good to know ya...

Brooke Astor and Merv Griffin each recently left us. They're probably sitting together, and wherever they are, I'm sure it's five o'clock.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Leading Democrats

The Clintons have done very well for themselves. Not nearly as well for anybody else. Why are so many leading Democrats afraid to speak about the Clintons? Are they afraid that Bill Clinton will punish them as he did the women who wouldn't have him? Are they afraid that Hillary Clinton would punish them, as she did the women who didn't refuse her husband's advances? Are they afraid that they will be professionally blocked by these people? Are they afraid they will be personally blocked by these people? Are they afraid that the Clintons will use their influence to promote erroneous rumors about substance abuse, prostitution, or arrange for their local police department to keep an unblinking eye on anyone and everyone,whom the Clintons think might possibly only pretend to drink the Kool-Aid? Do they believe that this hazard also extends to those who did not know that Kool-Aid was being served?

Leading Democrats, however anonymous, are smarter than they seem.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Did you know that the Clintons were not married in a church? I didn't. I know many people don't marry in churches, but those people don't use religion as an employment endorsement. An article in mentioned that another couple was recently married at the same house as the Clintons. It was reported, that the younger couple included the word "bug" in their vows. The entire article was a "rah, rah for the Clintons" fest. I wonder if they believe they're being clever.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dissection of a line…

HRC tells a Democratic crowd that a Democratic president would be good, to which they applaud. Then she hops on the applause, pretending that it’s for her and declares herself a winner. Using the words “right wing machine” she does a slight reference to the “vast right wing conspiracy” a contrived bogeyman she made up to trick the world, and or pretend that her husband was an innocent with tangible virtues. Also this provides the illusion that she’s in a defensive position. While using the word “machine” she dilutes the expression “Clinton machine” and throws it to the other side. The word girl is interesting for a number of reasons. First her audience is a bunch of blue collar men, many of whom have seen brighter horizons. Most men view woman to be pretty much an equal, not that we’d carry the heaviest items, but certainly manage our own weight. It’s cool to have a beer together, but there isn’t much else for them to do for us. A lady however is regarded as a bit higher maintaince, they’d have to put on a clean shirt, maybe even a tie, and some days, they’re just too tired to bother. A girl however, doesn’t really care much about a dress code, and they certainly could take care of her, making them feel manly.

Accomplished females under the age of 40 will be offended by the flirtation. But where else will they go? Middle aged females, who may feel that their most appreciated days are behind them, might feel tickled, but the educated and accomplished aren’t going to vote for her anyway. Older women will dismiss it as pandering.

But let’s talk specifically about black women for a moment. Most of us tend not to realize that within the black community that there’s a hierarchy beyond Al Sharpton. There has long been a lower, middle and upper class. Upper class had country clubs, nice homes with well kempt yards, coming out parties, and the expectation of success. Most have jobs, or trades or careers, and that’s been going on for generations. How a black woman will feel about the word girl, will have a lot to do with how she makes her living and how her parents made their living, and their parents made theirs. If she hails from a nuclear family, where higher education was the norm, and her father wore a jacket to work, while the mother stayed home, or had an interesting job, it’s likely she’d be less offended of the way that word has been used for a long, long time.

If however her life was harder, education not a consideration, or even an option, if they had to really struggle, there’s likely to be some resentment about the term. I’m sure the Clinton camp thought about that, but figured, as these are “women with needs” where else are they going to go? Surely they won’t “give a brother a break” or will they? I think it’s a bigger quandary than the campaign has so far assessed.

There’s nothing wrong with the word. People do speak more intimately with intimates than is appropriate with the masses. I just don’t think trying to be a coquette is a smart tact for a cuckold to take.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


I still don't know what is with the jump in Hillary's popularity. I've found a lot of polls, but I still don't get it. Sure, the media has been critical of the wives of the Republican candidates, and calling other women cheap, and worse has always elevated Hillary, but still? Who did Mrs. McCain think she was, wearing whatever she damn-well pleased, in her own home? Older women do tend to wear more make-up than younger women, but so what? True, Hillary's not young, and her make-up is pretty good, but it's probably time time to summon back the botox fairy. Especially if she wants people to stop snickering about the "I'm your girl" crap. It's probably a good idea not to tell other candidates how to run their campaigns, at least not in public. Aside from bringing back unpleasant memories of the Elizabeth Edwards vs. Ann Coulter, I don't think there are any telegraph offices still in business. She dates herself that way. If a 23 year-old can be referred to as "that woman" a 59 year-old isn't anybody's girl. No matter how much big money is donated.

By the way, did I miss the question, or wasn't Clinton asked about Mark Penn, the union buster, at the union debate?

What about the market? I knew it would be volatile. Of Course Hillary gave Steven Kluger of GE (roommate to Rick Lazio) time to sell of GE's sub-prime bad loans, before she called for the billion dollar bail out, but does anybody know if Steven Kluger and BNP have a history? Don't know, just asking. Has Warren Buffet weighed in on the mortgage thing? Just asking.

I wanted to buy a bottle of Beefeaters tonight, but the liquor stores close at 9pm. If you're coming by, you'll have to bring some, or drink vodka.

Overstuffing an email account is very low, very cheap. I believe that I need a better class of enemies.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Poll Jump

How is it possible that a candidate with a popularity rating in the mid-twenties can jump in a week to the high forties? Hillary Clinton did that, and without any kind of defining moment that I can see, so how did it happen? Who commissioned this poll? Who performed it? Were the participants pre-screened? It's a lousy question, but I don't know of any other way these numbers could be as they are being presented. A twenty point plus is statistically unlikely. I don't believe that being a bad guest at a progressive (although extremely accommodating) convention explains the enormous rise. If this is a fix, it isn't a smart one, far too obvious. Is there a way to verify these results? As they stand, they don't make sense.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Hillary's Headstart

I think you can tell a lot about a person, depending on how they behave as a guest. Hillary Clinton was a guest at the YearlyKos convention, but in order for her to attend, she needed special arrangements. All of the other candidates had their private talks after the group conversation, not Hillary, she got to be her own warm-up act, better positioning herself, and inferring that she's more important than anybody else.

"Whether you like it or not..." I think that is an inflammatory phrase. Just rude. She's not particular about those from whom she accepts money, i.e., Wal-Mart, which does employ a lot of people, it also pays very little, and expects its employees to get their health insurance elsewhere. By the way, there are no non-real Americans. There's just us, if you were born here, or passed the test, no matter what your zip code, no matter you're tax bracket, or education level, you're in the club. The pocket full of lobbyist, well, that's a premium.

Friday, August 3, 2007


It seems Alberto Gonzales is still employed. Congress is on vacation now for a month, right? Looks like he's staying. Anybody catch that little scene where the Dems got cute with a vote, and the Reps all walked out? What was the vote on, does anybody know?

Does anybody know why Hillary Clinton is too busy to give the YearlyKos crowd 45 minutes of her time? She's in Chicago anyway, why won't she do as all of the other candidates are doing? Is it because nobody wanted to hear her speak, and the campaign was afraid word of that would get out, or didn't she want to keep her private jet waiting? And she wonders why nobody likes her. Tsk, tsk.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Little Spat

A few months ago, the Clintons got into a little thing with the president of Jet Blue Airlines, but I thought it was over. Jump cut to drama at Yearly Kos...Jet Blue had agreed to sponsor some travel for the conference, then Hillary Clinton agreed to go and speak. Well, a bunch of blogger said some snotty things (we bloggers sometimes do that you know) about Jet Blue, and some nice things about Hillary Clinton. Jet Blue responded to the snottiness with a WTF kind of communication, and asked that their companies name be lifted from the site. They never planned nor threatened to pull the travel support, there was a back and fourth kind of thing, and the long and the short, everybody, except the Clintons have some bad feelings. Nice.

About Bill Clinton's comments about the spat his wife started with Obama, to me he seemed to be siding with Obama. I guess that's really his talent, no matter what a person thinks is reasonable, Bill Clinton makes you think that that is what he said. But the guy lies often, so what really is the difference.

Any comments about Bloomberg moving the 9-11 tribute away from Ground Hero? He says it's dangerous. Why wasn't it dangerous before? Is he trying to deflate Rudy? You don't think he's falling for the Unity08 hustle? The guy's a billionaire, he really should know better.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Hillary heckled?

I saw the tape on TV, on a lone dissenter, in a sea of Hillary for Prez signs, and to me, it looked staged. But what do I know? I thought the silliness of the non-cleavage-cleavage was also staged, giving Hillary something to whine about. Some wrong the good people of the United States could right, with a contribution. In 59 years, her girls haven't seen the light of the moon, but now that she's running for the highest office in the land, and her husband's girlfriend has had a mastectomy now it's time to hint at their existence? Nobody tolerates this woman when she isn't the victim of something. So now it's unfair and dirty to talk about that unsexy, disheveled look she sported on the Senate Floor. Why isn't anybody mocking John Edwards for donning Spandex in the Lance Armstrong dress alike day?

Oh yeah, right. ERRR. Never-mind.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hillary's Jacket

So we're all abuzz about what John Edwards said about HRC's jacket. I asked my liberal friends to comment, and the prevailing sentiment was that Edwards had to say something negative, in order to respond to the question, so he chose something that didn't matter. I agree, but I don't think that should have been the end of the explanation. I still think Edwards and Clinton getting caught conspiring to limit the debates to all but the rich was a rookie mistake. I have friends who looked down at that opinion and reminded me that the Clintons are Machiavellian enough to have done that on purpose to get that into the conversation. I don't know which is true. Are the moderately funded candidates still allowed to participate with the overly-funded famous candidates? I think they should be allowed to the masses, I really do. The economy is okay, but most of us are not super-rich. I think that regular people with regular concerns should be heard, even if they don't have the deep pockets of the special interest groups. I think it's far too soon to exclude any ideas from the voters. All the candidates should have the opportunity to speak.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Did Hillary Clinton really identify herself as a progressive? Has Ed Koch made a comment yet? Her campaign is about "yesterday" Bubba's was about "tomorrow" why don't the Clintons want us thinking about what's actually going on at the present time? And what's with all the money they keep shoveling into South Carolina? First they bought pastors, and now a library, what's next?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Apple Box

I didn't watch the CNN/Youtube last night, but I looked at it a little. Why was Hillary Clinton on a pedestal and Dennis Kucinch wasn't? I suppose CNN had only the one, and I guess being released from the hospital brought out his gallantry. No it wasn't cancer, just food poisoning, but it did stop his complaints regarding the Clinton/Edwards arrangement.

I was also amused that Hillary Clinton said that she didn't want to be used for propaganda purposes, that's something she saves just for her husband. But for him, she wouldn't be standing on that covered apple box.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dem Friends

Last week I had dinner with some liberal friends, some of whom are planning to attend the Yearly Kos. They're angry about Scooter Libby, they think he got off too easy. They also think that nobody had any right to punish Bill Clinton for his conduct. A table full of liberals, and nobody likes Hillary Clinton. I found that telling.

Friday, July 20, 2007


A Wendy's burned down early today, nobody seems to know why that happened.

Anybody see "Mad Men" tonight? Kudos to the set people, I always did favor the furniture of that day, and to the costumer. Don't you just love side zippers? Also, the cinematography was good fun. But from the show I expected much much more. Too much hype, too many cheap tricks, and the candy-assed way they tried to show how daring they were, without actually being daring, came off as sad. It had some style, and a fair amount of gravy, but it lacked the steak. I guess it's good they made a point of stating the show was not a stolen idea, it's too embarrassing for anybody to say that the idea was stolen.

By the by, what's the word on Hillary Clinton embracing YearlyKos to spite me? She can't really think everybody is as stupid as that. Can she?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dinner In Old Town

Last night I had dinner in Old Town. It was very nice, and I strolled around for a bit, to enjoy the beautiful evening along the Potomac. Musicians play at various points through the town and near the river. There are guitarists, sometimes a string quartet but last night a horn player was performing "If You're Happy and You Know it, Clap Your hands" and everybody participated. It was fun, of course there was that wise-crack about it being a dedication between Elizabeth Edwards and Hillary Clinton, but that made it all the better.

Monday, July 16, 2007

New Show

The new show "Mad Men" on AMC is really being promoted, the first look, behind the scenes thing is on constantly. AMC is putting a little box in the corner of its classic movies to remind us when it will be shown on TV. Nothing's been pushed this hard since somebody thought it was a good idea for Katie Couric to anchor the evening news. The show hasn't aired yet, but they're already claiming that it wasn't stolen. Who does that?

Monday, July 9, 2007

Bill and Hillary Clinton picking a fight with the White House over a Pardon issue? Wasn't that fun! I knew it couldn't last, though. The Clintons don't usually pick on anybody who isn't a woman, at least not for very long. The Clintons have always been hypocrites, for them to act hypocritically towards others, is about as honest as they get.

The Clintons of course have other problems, with their party, the unions and Mark Penn. He had to have seen that one coming, but this might be an interesting fight after all.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Al Gore's kid was just arrested. Reckless driving and drugs, well that's unfortunate. It is not however cancer. Cancer has been a real benefit to Hillary Clinton. I know it's offensive, but give it some thought. Mayor Rudy would have given Hillary a run for the Senate, but for being diagnosed with cancer. John Edwards' wife has had cancer for a long time, but soon after announcing his bid for the presidency Elizabeth's cancer was announced as untreatable and terminal. Hillary's romantic rival Belinda Stronach recently had surgery for her breast cancer. I don't have a theory for the cancer of Tony Snow. He's looking pretty healthy these days, even publicly sparring with a lady in red. Al Gore's been losing weight, getting himself fit. It's possible we could have a race.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Let's talk Libby

So Libby gets busted for obstructing justice and lying to a grand jury. He's convicted, has to pay a fine, lose his job and law license, but doesn't have to go to jail, because the president says the punishment didn't fit the crime. Read, "Not that big of a deal" This is a lot like what happened with Bill Clinton. Obstruction of justice, lying under oath, had to pay a fine and his law license was suspended. Yes, he was impeached, but that's just a trial, he wasn't convicted, not because people, read, Congress, didn't think he harassed those women, not because they didn't think he lied about harassing those women, but because they felt the crimes committed "didn't rise to the level" which translates into "not that big of a deal"

What I find inconsistent, when a Democratic Congress, who happens to see Bill Clinton as great bait, luring otherwise intelligent, well adjusted people into paying money to listen to a bore, says something is not a big deal, it's seen as vindication. When a Republican President says something is something, just not a big enough deal for jail-time, it's seen as a disgrace. Bill Clinton lied for the benefit of Bill Clinton. Scooter Libby lied for the benefit of "the team"

It was very much the same crime, and very much the same punishment.

I have to say, my heart does go out a little to the Democrats. It's a tough trick, condescending and whining at the same time. And what about poor Hillary? Her husband, while in office, pardoned lots of people. Including his brother, and hers. Hillary now has to criticize others on grounds of hypocrisy. Awkward.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Stupid Fight

So Elizabeth Edwards decided that it was a nice idea to make a public call, on TV, to Ann Coulter and announce that she's from the South, and that makes her polite, so that Coulter should stop picking on her husband. I think Mrs. Edwards was very rude. I am not defending Ann Coulter. I do think that politics is a nasty business, and those who've dedicated they're lives to politics should be aware of it that and keep their whining private. Also this instigated the obligatory bravado from her husband, which is of course designed to prove that he's not a sissy who hides behind his wife's skirt. Fun stuff. Do you remember Jerry Brown accusing Bill Clinton of using Hillary's Rose Law Firm for government contracts etc., and Bill pretending it was an attack on his wife? It'll be just like that. By the way, when Hillary was using the Rose Law Firm to represent the women whom she got to sign affidavits that they hadn't slept with her husband, (who does that?) did they know to whom she was married? Was she going by Hillary Rodham at the time.

It isn't good manners to tell people that you're being polite, as you tell them how to live their lives. Nobody thinks Ann Coulter is easy to like. Is she often rude, frequently tacky, sure. So what? I don't blame anybody for not liking it, but if you're afraid of the likes of Ann Coulter, if you're afraid of the things people say to your face, should you really be in politics?

Monday, June 25, 2007

Nice Terrorists

What a nice way to help the terrorists, making felons out of teenagers who happened to pull a pretty good prank on the last day of school. At Hendrick Hudson High School, which is in New York's Westchester County, 19 students were busted for placing alarm clocks all over the school, the clocks were synchronized to ring at 9:30am, disrupting class. The grown-ups called the bomb squad, and now some of our best and brightest will have to go through their entire lives as felons. Nice. Did we not learn our lesson from the "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" bomb scare in Boston? (Of course we agree the guy who did that was an adult who really should have known better, but as the long time mayor of "jerk-land" figured it just wouldn't matter.) There is no justification for letting the world know that we no longer have a sense of humor. We are Americans, and shame on us for allowing the world to believe that we are easily frightened, that fear itself is an exploitable weakness that we worry more about liability than we do the big picture.

The world is not a different place since 9/11, it just seems that way. Mostly because we have seen fit to forfeit rational judgement, to put sour-pusses in charge. There's a time to be a hard-ass and a time to giggle behind your official papers.

This was a creative way to bid farewell to their school. Nobody was in danger, no damage was done. They used a key that had been missing for a year. Is it the students fault that the adults, who didn't bother to change the locks, are so paranoid now? Of course not. These are not the people who attacked us. Ban them from graduation, make the little snots work off the bill, but to hobble their futures is to hobble the future of America. Who wants that?

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Some people of Mesa AZ where I used to live, decided it was a good idea to grab a woman and brand her face with the word "snitch" on it. Cowards. They lured this chick into an apartment, where four of them were lying in wait. This is supposed to be retaliation because she'd answered police questions about a domestic violence report, for for that the abuser and his victim had to have her punished. Cowards.

Hillary's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, have chocolate in them. I thought that Bill Clinton was allergic to chocolate. Could it be that he's never tasted Hillary's cookies?

Friday, June 22, 2007

My Bad...

Apparently the Soprano spoof the Clintons did was to announce the song chosen for her campaign. I didn't get, my bad. Did anybody else out there not get it? Might it have been more helpful to have played the song? Celine Dion recorded "You and I" which is apparently the choice. A spokesperson for the campaign said that it was picked because it won. I guess that's the same reason Hillary Rodham Clinton's oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe won over the standard toll house cookies. Because that's what people like, which is why chocolate oatmeal cookies sell so much better than the regular kind. Which do you eat more often? What kind of a person fixes a cookie contest? That would just be stupid.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

More fun with No Peeky Blind Trust

So since 1993 the Clintons have had a "blind" trust, in this trust GE, whose president is Steven Kluger, Vassar roommate to Rick Lazio. He didn't run GE back then, and I don't know if the Clintons had any lobbying power there. Also they own stock in Warren Buffet's company. Did you notice that Warren Buffet gave a bunch of money to Bill Gates, right about the same time Bill Clinton piggy-backed on Gates' "Yeah, I made a lot of money, so I'm giving a bunch of it away so you'll stop nagging me about it" goodwill tour? By the by Gates and Clinton share Marc Penn, the PR guy. They may be his only clients. I've wondered who started the anti-Gates thing all those years ago.

Does anybody know why Hillary Clinton was afraid of the question about Libby being pardoned? Why were the union people so chivalrous about protecting Hillary from the question? Assuming Hillary becomes president, will America's adversaries be so chivalrous? Considering Marc Penn's union busting past, why wasn't that question asked? Do the union members know about that? Would they mind? Considering it's Hillary and all.

The Sopranos final ending was not good. It was kind of okay when the parrots did it, but it was again stupid with the Clintons doing it. Don't take that the wrong way. I know they did it because Lloyd Braun also shared that house with Lazio and Kluger. I did however think that comparing the Clintons to a mod family was a bit much, until I remembered the relationship with InfoUSA. Is it true that Nancy Pelosi's son has a "no show" job with them? Like I said, stupid.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

No peeky-blind trust

Is it a blind trust even when you look? Does anybody else have a hard time believing that Hillary Clinton, with her history with Wal-Mart, didn't know that Wal-Mart was in her blind trust? The Clintons have also spent a lot of time with Rupert Murdock, is it just a "happy accident" that News Corp was also part of the "blind" trust?

Oh let's just not mind about that. Let's all pay attention to Obama. It's much less disappointing than expecting the candidates to up their game.

Monday, June 18, 2007

WIOD-Enemy of the County

Wiod is a news talk radio station serving Broward county in the state of Florida, and the county doesn't like it. WIOD has has a contract with the county to broadcast news events including serious weather information warnings etc. Well, aside from those contracts, the station also broadcasts shows, which help them meet the expenses that come from running a business. Some of those shows are conservative in nature. Imagine that, conservative talk shows on the radio, oh the humanity! Broward wants to move their contract from WIOD to another station, so that in a time of crisis, its citizens can search up and down the dial in hopes of possibly finding the emergency information they need in order to not die. That's nice. I don't think they should be allowed to do that. I realize that in a free market system, anybody can take their business anywhere, but I think this is different. I think not wanting to advertise on the Don Imus show is fine. But for a government office to take its business someplace where they like the politics better, leans toward socialism. It is not our governments place to chose which views are allowed to be expressed.

The media is a tricky thing, it isn't like other industries, it's 24/7 with 500 channels, and that's not counting the Internet, or countless radio broadcasts. We're still learning of its power and influence. Journalists must retain to ability to report any story that they see fit. If they want to throw in an opinion, as long as it's identified as opinion that's fine too. It's to our benefit, to be reminded that there is more than one viewpoint. It's good to know that smart well-intentioned people will disagree.

No member of the government ought to be allowed to put people in harm's way just because they want to have a tantrum.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


I guess I have to chime in on the Duke Lacrosse thing...This is a screwed up situation, I don't think I'm the only one who would really like it to all be over. Did Mike Nifong really believe that something terribly wrong happen that night? I think he did.

All parties of this mess did something wrong. Attention women, there are plenty of ways to make a living in our society that don't include removing your clothes and being sexual in an uncontrolled place for young men. Very poor career decision. It is entirely possible that these dancers looked at these privileged boys, and saw dollar signs. Bad idea. Attention college boys (in a lot of ways, they are boys) why would you think that having beer and naked strange women in the same place at the same time without supervision was a good idea? But for you having to have undressed dancers, this would not have happened. You put your families in this position. It is your fault that the season was canceled. The judgment you used was conceded, selfish and short sighted.

Not even at the beginning of this did I think they raped the dancer, but I have a different perspective, I didn't see the evidence. I didn't hear the stories directly. I wasn't in the middle of the press storm.

Nifong has done many things wrong too. But I doubt it was out of spite. He's out of a job. Maybe it's okay to suspend his law license for a time, but I'm not confident that he should be completely disbarred. Lots of people were making public statements, getting themselves on TV, and putting money into their own pockets. Inability to effectively handle the media should only be a career ender if your career is media. If he loses his license, he'll fight, he should, and I don't know if he'll win or not, but I do want this to be over.

Rape is bad. Rapists should be discouraged from such acts. Let' not go crazy in punishing those whose job it is to try to punish rapists.

I think the Lacrosse players think themselves special, entitled. Most young people do, certainly those prized for an ability or talent. Most of those do eventually grow out of the arrogance of youth, it's just a time of life. When you're only discovering your place in the world. I do think the boys will eventually be fine, I just hope they don't make too much of a career out of being victimized. It's boring. Plus, these players may be special, may have things to accomplish a world to make better, let's hope they put some effort into living their lives, becoming professionals in whatever fields they choose, taking a lesson from this miserable chapter in their young lives. Not allowing it to be anything more than an early chapter in an otherwise long, and more interesting life.

It's time for this to be over. Let's get the page turned.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I've been getting some offers lately. I'm thinking about getting somebody to do the negotiations for me. There's just so much to consider. So many details, those making the offers have representatives, I think it's only level if I do too. I'm unsure how to go about doing that though, but how hard can it really be?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

No Biggie

Does anybody know who's got the license plate BR BULLY?
It doesn't really matter, I'm just a little bored, think I'll go shoot some hoops.


I do hope that JPI will protect its people. The thing about hopelessly insecure people, such as the Klugers, is the amount of energy they put into punishing others, in hopes that nobody else will notice how average they themselves really are. Maybe I shouldn't have gloated yesterday, but Kluger's not going to be at GE for long. JPI hired the people they hired because they wanted them working for JPI. It wasn't right for Kluger to use GE's weight to put your people in the position to make your company look like it has egg on its face. It was my bad for being amused. Let's stay safe on the job-site, and hope everyone's employment stays secure.