Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So, after 35 or more years in the public eye, HRC's finally getting better at communicating in public. Good for her. But seriously folks, did anybody ever have a lower bottom, than Hillary Rodham, and sometimes Clinton? You know that Michael Caine instructional video, came out a very long time ago, it's about time she made use of it. Much better than the bobble-head move she's been so reliant upon for so long. Of course now she's deponent upon a hired human laugh track. Word of advice, let her finish the joke before you tell the world to laugh. Darth Vader needed to have emerged and DONE SOMETHING for it to have been funny. Anticipatory excitement is best left for Hitchcock films. The funniest thing I've ever heard her say was that crack she made about men not washing their hands, course coming from a Clinton, it did have adulterous connotations. But, funny.

What is this surprise about the Clintons controlling the media? They've known for a long time that if they can mute other's voices, then you only hear what they have to say. This way they arrange to chose your choices for you. They do allow you to believe that you've made up your own mind, acted as your own person, but that's really just a private little joke. They've been intimidating reporters for years. The press in other countries have made comments about it. I really did think it was widely understood. Only pictures that the Clinton people want printed, are printed, if a reporter does go so far as to print a less than adoring article gets a phone call. If a source is quoted saying something less than adoring, there are repercussions. When was the last time Mrs. Rodham gave an interview? Oprah, that's when.

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