Thursday, November 15, 2007


I don't think there was anything wrong with the way John McCain handled the "how do we beat the bitch" question. Hillary Clinton's honor, such as it is, is not McCain's to defend. This drivel that CNN's putting out that people are calling Queen Hillary a bitch because she's successful, accomplished, and strong is complete nonsense! People have been calling Hillary Clinton a bitch for at least as long as she has been demonizing other women, not all of whom by the way have had her husband. Connie Chung did an interview with Newt Gingrich's mother when bitch was used to describe Hillary Clinton, and aired it.

I think we've gone too far with policing other people's vocabulary. Disapproving of somebody else's word choice doesn't make you sophisticated. This is the United States, and in this country if a grown up adult person choses to express an opinion, it's okay. If a naughty word is uttered in a room full of adults, that's okay too.

Incidentally, you high-toned hypocrites, I understand why nice people don't use the N-word, but I'm a little unclear why it's fine to say moocacka. Would it not be more correct to call it the M-word?

1 comment:

Citizen Chick said...

I think progressives feel the same way, so I'm leaving you up.