Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bad Luck

Poor Clarence Thomas. Just as he's coming out with his book, the Isaiah Thomas (no relation) sexual harassment suit is winding up. Talk about bad luck. Although, I do think it time for him to get over it. Clarence Thomas has stated that he still feels that Anita Hill was used by his political enemies, which I think is unfair. Of course Anita Hill was used, as was Clarence Thomas, but why is he so confident that they weren't being used by his political friends? Is it not possible that H. W. Bush, who nominated him for the Supreme Court, might not have been interested in the way a sexual harassment charge would have been handled? He and Bill Clinton have been political partners for a very long time, they were likely aware of each other, and their respective ambitions long before. Everybody has always known about Bill Clinton's chronic proclivities... It's just a thought, I don't claim to be smart. As a matter of fact, I did need Bill Clinton telling me what I thought when I heard the word dynasty. It never occurred to me that when I heard that word, I'd think of England's monarchy. I think that, I would have thought about the dynasties in Asia, Ming, and the like. But of course that would have made me think thoughts Asian names, which would have brought me back to the Chinese money laundering service from which the Clintons have made a habit of accepting money, and granting access. That just wouldn't do, not for Bill' sHill.

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