Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week of Women?

All this week, the Clinton camp will be courting the women's vote. The indicator to that, the camp already announced that they have the women's vote. I'm pretty sure that Bubba's attendance is forbidden.

Queen Hillary, who is entitled to whatever she wants, made public that she and her campaign had "no idea" that feminists would support her campaign. Months ago, the National Organization of Women endorsed her. Months ago Emily's list endorsed her. Why wouldn't the campaign think that feminists would support any candidate that had those endorsements? Who had access to those contact lists? Did the campaign think that feminists would do their own research, or simply remember that few people, man or woman, have done so much to hobble the feminist movement? Would they remember that Hillary's only employment came as a result of her husband? She began working for the Rose Law Firm, only after he was elected Attorney General of Arkansas. She kept her maiden name, not because she was used to it, not because other people in professional circles were used to it, not because it simply suited her, but because she, and the firm, and Bill wanted to be sneaky. The firm and their clients did business with the state, and wanted to be discrete about their pull. Also, Hillary Rodham arranged for those complaining about her husband sexually harassing them to hire lawyers loyal to the offending respondent, not the women plaintiffs, who were paying them. Feminists should have a problem with that.

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