Monday, August 6, 2007

Hillary's Headstart

I think you can tell a lot about a person, depending on how they behave as a guest. Hillary Clinton was a guest at the YearlyKos convention, but in order for her to attend, she needed special arrangements. All of the other candidates had their private talks after the group conversation, not Hillary, she got to be her own warm-up act, better positioning herself, and inferring that she's more important than anybody else.

"Whether you like it or not..." I think that is an inflammatory phrase. Just rude. She's not particular about those from whom she accepts money, i.e., Wal-Mart, which does employ a lot of people, it also pays very little, and expects its employees to get their health insurance elsewhere. By the way, there are no non-real Americans. There's just us, if you were born here, or passed the test, no matter what your zip code, no matter you're tax bracket, or education level, you're in the club. The pocket full of lobbyist, well, that's a premium.

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