Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sandy for Prezie

Sandra Day O'Connor is running for president. She must be, why else would her husband's relationships be at issue? Her husband who has Alzheimer's is in an assisted living home, where he met a female friend. If it's a romance, it isn't unusual for people with that disease to simply forget they're married. I wonder if that's what Bill Clinton's got.

I realize that many people are angry with Bill Clinton for protecting his little lady, but I don't think it's a bad thing. Nobody has ever liked Hillary Clinton, they gave Bill Clinton a free pass when it came to cheating on her, because they didn't like her. Men and black women all agree that without Bill to "help her" they would never vote for Hillary. They are willing to subvert the spirit of the Constitution because they like Bill. So many people seem to like Bill Clinton, I don't, of course. It isn't his philandering, it's the cock-blocking. Bubba, do stop doing that to me. Anyway, he's got to be out in front, otherwise people might realize that Hillary doesn't have the influence in her own marriage to get those papers released. This way we simply think that Hillary Clinton is cherry-picking the intelligence that we the American people get to make our decision. George Bush did that, see how well that worked.

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