Friday, June 8, 2007

No whining

Reporters covering Paris Hilton, you cannot block official vehicles. You're lucky you didn't need medical attention. You're lucky you weren't arrested. I'm actually a little disappointed neither thing happened. By the way, a city cop did offer an ambulance, so no suing.

Why shouldn't she have hair and make-up people? It is the responsibility of super wealthy people to find excuses to spend their money. It's good for the economy. Don't be snotty about it.

Paris Hilton aka Al Copone, aka Public Enemy Number One really isn't going to affect your life at all. How does her punishment, be it "fair" whatever that means, or not, really going to affect you? So what if she has a party, having people over is one of the things people under house-arrest do. If you want to have a party at your house, feel free. Are you afraid she's going to poach your guests?

What's really got me ticked-off at the moment, MSNBC cut from Pentagon information to go to Paris walking from her door into a police car. Priorities people.

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