Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Again, still, whatever...

Susan Estrich is at it again, still, there are some things that aren't ever going to change. She goes into a list of Bill Clinton's good works, such as personally carrying medicine to people who would die without it. (We're apparently supposed to believe that there is no mail system or delivery system of any kind in Africa.)

All this is guise to proclaim Hillary Clinton, the most victimized person in history. Who'd want that mantel? Normal people don't want that. Being victimized is certainly something, including time consuming, but I don't think it belongs in the accomplishment column. HRC is supposed to be strong, deserving and independent from her husband. Huh? We don't give important jobs to people because they deserve them, we do it because they'll do the job we need done. As for her independence from her husband, what job has Hillary Clinton ever held that he didn't arrange for her?

Estrich uses words borrowed from bubble-bodied baby broads, who in spite of limited resources, wear their hair big, and their fingernails in the style of bank tellers. Educated people don't tend to call people haters. Intelligent people tend to have a better argument than to say others don't have much respect. Proving that you heard what was said, although very cute, isn't the same thing as actually getting it.

Bill and Hillary Clinton have amassed a personally fortune in excess of $100 million, so let's not pretend they're poor.

Minnie Pearl's hats had a more discreet price tag, than the many on the Clintons. I say that it doesn't look right, for a man's charitable organization to buy, or rent an email list from his wife. If Bill Clinton would like to pay off his wife's campaign debt, let him reach into his own pocket, and not the money marked for malaria medicine.

Susan Estrich does concede that it would be very bad if children had to die because Bill Clinton's efforts to prevent and treat malaria in the third world were blocked. That tragedy would be second only in severity to her friend, Hillary Clinton, not becoming Secretary of State. That would be truly be too bad.

We all have our interests, and that was just a column. Written by a person who has been refusing to use her head, and instead, mainlining the Clinton Kool Aid for decades. (And why not? They are her cash, and cachet. Why would she try to imagine, even flirt with a future without them?) I'm sure it wasn't taken personally, and that it's done no harm.

1 comment:

Citizen Chick said...

Check it out.