Sunday, December 21, 2008


Why are people still vilifying Caroline Kennedy, for applying for a job? What is up with that? She’s perfectly qualified, knows the industry, all the right people, and with the glaring exception of Hillary Clinton, pretty much everybody returns her phone calls.

Although it has been reported that HRC "told her supporters not to involve her in their efforts to stop Caroline Kennedy's path to the U.S. Senate" it doesn’t really seem that they’re exactly backing off. More like they’re trying not to leave HRC’s fingerprints on the matter. I happen to think that's a bit slippery. But what do I know. (I have the same opinion of James Carville using HRC's email list to solicit money for Media Matters, which was founded by Hillary Clinton, for Hillary Clinton.)

By the by, where is Howard Wolfson? Isn’t he supposed to be charging in, his spinning flail at the ready to fell all those who dare denigrate a fellow democrat? Why is he waiting?

It seems to me that some people do not want Gov. Patterson to appoint anybody to the soon to be vacated seat. It seems that they’re offended that anybody would try to get the gig. Well then, maybe Hillary Clinton should serve out her term, and just hope that the Secretary of State position remains unfilled for the next two years. Either that, or just act like a grown up.

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