Sunday, December 14, 2008

Empty seat...

Why is every opportunity afforded to a woman, who isn't Hillary Clinton, a slap in the face of Hillary Clinton? Seriously, this has been old for a while. Caroline Kennedy may be up the HRC's vacated Senate seat, why is this an insult to Hillary Clinton? Just because she endorsed Barrack Obama? The guy who gave Hillary Clinton the job she wanted almost as much as she wanted to be president? Is this for real? Clinton surrogates running around avenging the Kennedy endorsement of Obama, to what end? Are they trying to alienate the incoming democratic president?

Hillary Clinton has said that she is respecting Governor Paterson by keeping silent, she also claims that nobody speaks for her. Ummm, why is that considered good enough?

The Kennedys have done a lot for the Clintons, they opened many doors for them. Yes, back in the days before Bill Clinton became president, but also more recently. Ted Kennedy called HRC's appointment "outstanding" thus smoothing some of the ruffled feathers in Obama's circle. HRC should have reciprocated the gesture. She could have shown respect for everybody who ever suggested that she had class.

She should denounce the comments made by Hank Sheinkopf and Gary Ackerman as sexist. In doing so, she could show the Obama people that she is in fact an Obama team player, and not just out for what she can get for herself.

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