Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lame Duck Senator

Isn't Hillary Clinton's refusal to step an extreme slap in the face of New York State? Seriously, she is a lame duck senator. She can't make any deals, because everybody knows that she's leaving, and won't be in a position to hold up her end. She's doing harm to the transition process. By not vacating the seat, she's keeping the hands of Gov Paterson tied behind his back, adding to whatever burdens come naturally to a governor of New York. On top of all that, she is ensuring her replacement will be more junior in the senate, than junior senator from Delaware, and maybe even Illinois.

Instead of aiding the transition process, untying the Governor’s hands, instead of preparing for her new job at state, how is she spending her time?

She’s bargaining with Bon Jovi to get her campaign debt paid down. She’s selling her email list to Bill’s charity. That she’s all about the Benjamins, there is little doubt. She’s holding on to the headlines, having her surrogates lavish public, although dubious, praise onto her, hoping to bury any reference to the tenth anniversary of her husband’s impeachment.

She should resign. She should spend this time boning up on world issues. Our position on Gaza, the riots in Greece, so many other things are going on. For the good of the world, for the good of the nation, for the good of New York, Hillary Clinton should resign.

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