Wednesday, October 10, 2007


If Hillary Clinton were really the best qualified to be president, why do all the rules have to change in order to help her win? How many years has the election calendar been pretty much the same, but now that she's in the race, a change to benefit her is necessary? Some states will not count. What's up with that? As her main qualification is being married to an impeached president, why won't her rivals mention that? Too embarrassed to win? Or has the DNC become so beholding to Bill Clinton, they feel it their responsibility to compensate the woman who enabled Bubba to be so selfish? (He didn't have to be impeached, the Clintons wanted him impeached.) Was it Biden who assured her that he was discussing "policy" when the old stuff was mentioned in a debate? As for her leading in the Senate, sure, she put her name to some bills, and get in the pictures, but on the rare occasion, when she was absent from the photo, her staff would curse out their staff. Yes, it's amusing, but it's not what I look for in a leader.

Biden and Brownback, they might be the ones who lead us out of Iraq.

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