Friday, August 31, 2007


I was nearly T-Boned last night. I was returning home on Duke Street, after a lovely evening that included sailing and Indian food. So what if I did some of the cooking, a good time, for a good cause, was had by all.

I'm stopped behind an SUV, and the light turned green, he proceeded through the intersection. But I noticed another SUV, who was about to make an illegal left turn, so I waited at the light. Had I proceeded per normal, he would have T-Boned me. As it was however, a police cruiser was only a few lanes to my right, had been traveling at a normal rate of speed. The cruiser had to take evasive action, turning a hard right, onto the sidewalk and hitting a pole, putting out the traffic light. The wrong SUV, stopped for a moment, the officer then got out of his cruiser. The SUV in the wrong, left. The officer shouted for him to stop, and gave him a little foot chase, but he was gone. I didn't get a plate number, so I left too. He'd already radioed for help, and I passed his back-up en route

I'm a defensive driver. But if I die in an "accident" I want somebody to have a tantrum.

Hillary Clinton was on Letterman last night. She isn't funny.

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