Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What's up with this?

What's going on over at GE? They just sold off their plastics department to the Saudis, and it seems they're going to use the money from the sale to buy back shares of itself. Basically, they're going to pump up the stock price, but to what end? And is Steven Kluger looking for a job?

By the by, why isn't the Sandy Berger thing a bigger story? You remember Berger, he got caught removing sensitive documents, some of which regarded Clinton's handling of terrorism, or lack there of, and taking them, where, home? Why isn't that a big deal? Why is it that Clinton and those associated with the Clintons don't go to jail for obstruction of justice? Who knows what was in those papers that he stuffed into his socks? Who knows the human cost of that act? I think we should muster a little disapproval, if not actual outrage.

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