Friday, January 11, 2008

Not Sexism

The pundits didn't go after Hillary Clinton because of her gender, they went after her because she's a Clinton. They'd have a similar reaction if Roger Clinton ran for office, assuming he made a point out of being better than everybody else. Journalists know their jobs about as well as you know yours. They know about the shady deals, the women whom her husband has targeted, and they know how she went after them. Hillary Clinton has not proven her experience. Neither she nor her husband has enough influence to release the White House records. At least, that's the party line. Bill Clinton wrote a letter requesting the records not be released before the election. His choice, okay, but we should not be expected to take anybody's word alone, particularly when records do exist.

What exactly is obvious about Hilary Clinton's intelligence? Fashion not withstanding. Why are we calling her clothes pantsuits? It's a suit. Unless the word is predicated by the word polyester, it's a suit. Skirt or slacks, it's a suit.

By the way, that little "Iron my Shirt" demonstration was just dumb. The people involved were not old enough to have known the mantra. How retro are we going to go? They may have been part of a radio stunt. What the heck, as stupid as it was, it was also less tacky than the one that involved fornicating in Saint Patrick's Cathedral.

It's not about a sisterhood at all costs. The president is supposed to take care of the people not the other way around. I have no problem with a leader who cries. I have no problem with a leader who doesn't. Her ambitions are about her. She didn't fight the feminist fight, she only dressed to sit on the bench, and sabotage the real players.

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