Friday, December 14, 2007

Dem Debate

If it was relevant to ask Chris Dodd about his father being censured in 1967, why wasn’t it relevant to ask Hillary about her husband’s impeachment? Dodd’s dad did a lot of cool stuff, apparently the people of Iowa respected him, as Dodd’s answer got applause. Hillary always seemed to be waiting for hers.

There’s been a lot of discussion about the Oprah factor, so I’ll chime in too. I think what Oprah has done for Obama, if fine, but I don’t think it’s being properly read. Obama will benefit from Oprah, but so will most of the other candidates too. I think the real value of her endorsement is in giving American women permission to choose our president sans an ovarian litmus test. Without the ‘vote for Hillary or else you’re a traitor to your gender’ thing everybody’s a little more free to check out the issues, and vote for whomever we think will best see to our interests.

Wasn’t it nice of Mrs. Rodham to do that lovely commercial for her daughter? Such a low key person, doesn’t ever seem to be seen out of doors, unless she’s stumping for Hillary. “Hillary’s mom lives with her” was an included caption. Not included was any mention of Hillary’s husband’s residence.

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