Monday, September 17, 2007

Timing is the tell...

Anybody out there care about OJ Simpson anymore? His life has become a Greek tragedy. Up from nowhere, worked hard, accomplished fame fortune, most likely killed his trophy (ex) wife, got away with it, and now may die in jail. But luckily this latest incident happened just after his book "if I Did It" was released. Why didn't Riccio just call the cops himself? What did Tom Riccio get in return for setting up this sting? Of course he's the one who set everybody up, but why? Why would this guy manipulate the Nevada police, and everybody else like this? Often the answer to that is money, is that the answer this time?

Back to Hillary. I know there are a lot of people who believe her low profile last week was due to the Hsu scandal. But did you know that last week her brother was to have a trial regarding a "loan" that he didn't repay to people who were pardoned by Bill Clinton? I didn't know that. I should have known that. The case was settled, the terms not disclosed. I don't think it was any one money scandal that made her hide in her hole last week, I think it was many. But with the Clintons, we'll always have the constant of many, many scandals.

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