Thursday, September 20, 2007


O.J. is out of jail. His endorsement is no longer on princess Hillary's website, I guess that's called damage control. Vilsack, who is well paid by Clinton, is going after Rudy, and Clinton says he speaks for himself. She is so gutless! She says that she speaks for herself, well that's fine, except for that thing about representing the people of this country. You want to speak only for yourself, fine, go home, bake cookies, and have teas.

Yesterday, she has a fund raiser for lobbyists who paid for access to lawmakers. Lobbyists are those people hired by special interest groups to affect to laws of the nation. They paid a candidate for access, to lawmakers.

Norman Hsu is indicted for a 60 million dollar Ponzi scam. Hillary has no problem with this, because so many other people were fooled by him too. Not that those other people profited off him as her campaign has. So what if the Clintons, who have the Secret Service vet anyone and everyone they might possibly come into contact with, never-mind be photographed. To believe that the members of the Secret Service, charged with the protection of a former president's family is that consistently incompetent, well it requires a willing suspension of disbelief.

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