Monday, March 19, 2007

The Citizen Chick

So this is my this blog o' mine, I will ask questions, often I'll know the answers, sometimes I won't. I'm not a particularly interesting person, but one thing is for sure, some of the most powerful people have gone out of their way to give me grief. These are politicians, celebrities, and random money people. They also include random folks who scoop ice cream for a living, publicly expose themselves, and beleive soap should be reserved for truly special occasions.

Often times I'll provide insight on some very underhanded, although very public actions, and I'll shine a light onto them. Mostly, I'll mock people. If I weren't funny, the bastards would be stealing from somebody else. I'll also snitch out those who steal my stuff and use it as their own. Please keep in mind that I have complained to the shows, the networks, agents and the union to no avail. I don't enjoy sniveling, but perhaps public mocking will get them to do their own damn work. Probably not, but it's a shot.

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