Thursday, November 29, 2007

From the Beginning...

Bill Clinton said he opposed the war from the beginning. Let's pretend that that's true. It's a serious statement. It's possible that in private he may have opposed the war, since the beginning. Even though others contradict that statement, but let's just say that it is true, what does that mean? Does it mean that he failed to mention his position to his wife? Maybe, he could have been out of town, they are rarely in the same city at the same time. Of course, he might have called. Maybe he did tell her, but something else going on between them at the time, she might have voted to go to war to punish he husband, for his private behavior. I don't know. It might mean that his wife simply does not listen to his advice on foreign policy. It might mean that those willing to vote for his wife because they think that he'll be there to help her, should put a little more thought into it. Of course it might mean that he was lying. That might also be something worthy of consideration.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What to say...

So Queen Hillary is angry about a Saudi rape victim being punished, that's nice. Hypocritical, but nice. The truth is, even though in this country there isn't an organized form of punishment for rape victims, the victim is usually blamed. Usually punished in one unofficial form or another. By the way, Hillary Clinton also wanted the names of rape victims in New York to be made public. By the way, Mark Penn's firm is representing "Aqua Dots" the toy that when ingested mimics to effects of one of the date rape drugs. Odd her stance on how the US needs to do more to protect American children, when her own people are working to sanitize the reputation of such a product.

Happy shopping!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

May & Flower

"You can't stand the heat, and you're not going into the kitchen" Is that what King George always says when he pardons the turkeys, or is he showing up Queen Hillary?

Donor List

So Bill Clinton cannot make public the list of those who donated to his library because he wants to show respect for the donors privacy, but yet it's okay for his friends over at InfoUSA to sell the list. Ummm....

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Those poor people over in Bangladesh! What a pity it is that their savior is busy on the campaign trail! That's doubly rotten luck for them.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Files

Insinuation? Innuendo? These are a few of the Clintons favorite things. Hillary Clinton is incapable of finishing her own jokes, she instead insinuates the punch lines. She insinuates to the women of this country that she knows what a glass ceiling is. She, who right out of an ivy league university, worked toward impeaching a sitting president. Who was hired at the Rose Law firm only after her legal husband became the Attorney General of the state. Who was made partner when her legal husband became the Governor of that state. She's experienced impediments in her career because she's a woman. HUH? What impediments?

The Clintons have kept files on many people throughout the years. (Some of whom have never had Bill.) They slime and smear many, many people, but always in a cowardly way.

For Obama to have reacted any differently than to call out the Clinton camp for doing exactly what they have made a lifetime of doing, would have been naive. Obama should be relieved they haven't yet, used innuendo to have him labled a prostitute.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Why aren't any of the candidates addressing people in this country who simply don't want health insurance? Many of us see it as a scam, an homage to Richard Nixon, and simply don't want it. We don't want it because we can't afford it, we can afford it, we don't want it. Sure, sometimes we get a flu, or a cold, but nothing serious. We just don't think it's worth the money. I realize that there are some people who aren't so lucky as to be so healthy, and my heart goes out to them. My heart, but not my purse. I don't mind pitching in for the random unexpected exotic disease, or a freak injury, it's the sense of entitlement that is unpalatable. Most people should buy their own asprin, if they want to get into a buying club for prescriptions, it's okay with me, just don't mandate it.

This crop of candidates all seem to be for Universal Health Care, that we're entitled to it. Queen Hillary, who failed to get it passed when her legal husband was president, when the Congress was Democratic, has a plan to include illegal aliens. Can I get a WTF? Elliot Spitzer goes through all the trouble to be a gentleman and drop the driver's licenses for illegals, (she was only asked that question once, she gave a one word answer, greatly impeding her ability to contradict herself) and she wants them to have free health care? Just because they broke American law for long enough to get rewarded?

Why does she prefer illegals to Americans?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Asbestos Pantsuit?

So last night Queen Hillary announced that she was wearing an asbestos pantsuit. Huh? I thought "turn up the heat" was her phrase. Okay, so maybe she shares it with OJ Simpson, but still...

I don't agree accusing your opponent of throwing mud and being like republicans is fighting back. I think it's whining. I further think that if Queen Hillary had the backbone to be in this race, we'd know about her record. We wouldn't have to rely on her word "I've been fighting for women and children for 35 years" we'd look at the records to prove that. We'd look at the White House records and see what she has done. We'd have something balance the public sliming of those many women the Clintons have targeted. Granted, many of whom have had her husband, but not all.

I think stacking the audience is only smart to a point. I thought it distracting and disrespectful of the process. It felt more like a high school rally. Any underhanded act that is noticeable insults everybody. Stacking the audience is a more obvious gesture than simply planting questions.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I don't think there was anything wrong with the way John McCain handled the "how do we beat the bitch" question. Hillary Clinton's honor, such as it is, is not McCain's to defend. This drivel that CNN's putting out that people are calling Queen Hillary a bitch because she's successful, accomplished, and strong is complete nonsense! People have been calling Hillary Clinton a bitch for at least as long as she has been demonizing other women, not all of whom by the way have had her husband. Connie Chung did an interview with Newt Gingrich's mother when bitch was used to describe Hillary Clinton, and aired it.

I think we've gone too far with policing other people's vocabulary. Disapproving of somebody else's word choice doesn't make you sophisticated. This is the United States, and in this country if a grown up adult person choses to express an opinion, it's okay. If a naughty word is uttered in a room full of adults, that's okay too.

Incidentally, you high-toned hypocrites, I understand why nice people don't use the N-word, but I'm a little unclear why it's fine to say moocacka. Would it not be more correct to call it the M-word?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sandy for Prezie

Sandra Day O'Connor is running for president. She must be, why else would her husband's relationships be at issue? Her husband who has Alzheimer's is in an assisted living home, where he met a female friend. If it's a romance, it isn't unusual for people with that disease to simply forget they're married. I wonder if that's what Bill Clinton's got.

I realize that many people are angry with Bill Clinton for protecting his little lady, but I don't think it's a bad thing. Nobody has ever liked Hillary Clinton, they gave Bill Clinton a free pass when it came to cheating on her, because they didn't like her. Men and black women all agree that without Bill to "help her" they would never vote for Hillary. They are willing to subvert the spirit of the Constitution because they like Bill. So many people seem to like Bill Clinton, I don't, of course. It isn't his philandering, it's the cock-blocking. Bubba, do stop doing that to me. Anyway, he's got to be out in front, otherwise people might realize that Hillary doesn't have the influence in her own marriage to get those papers released. This way we simply think that Hillary Clinton is cherry-picking the intelligence that we the American people get to make our decision. George Bush did that, see how well that worked.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Where is Randall Rolph when you need him? This is the guy whom Queen Hillary smacked down because she thought he was a plant. He'd asked her a question that she'd heard before, how dare he? Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff a college student was recruited by the Hillary Clinton camp to ask a specific question. Queen Hillary answered it. Later, a spokesperson said that Queen Hillary had no idea about the plant. Anybody believe that? Of those who do, how smart is Hillary Clinton? She is uniformly unaware of tacky and illegal conduct of those around her. She doesn't seem to understand the voting process. Many think that she's studious, but voted to go to war without reading the intelligence report, without having a debate. She again gave license to King George to attack another country, without permission, and then signed a letter saying that he needs permission. She dresses like a feminist, but protected her meal ticket. She's only thought about herself. She says that she sees both sides of the give driver's license to illegal aliens argument, but what side is she on? It's very nice for a leader to see all sides of an issue, but leaders are supposed to lead, they're supposed to see around the bend. She is responsible for the votes she's cast, and her campaign. I don't expect anybody to be right all of the time, but I do expect that a candidate control their surrogates conduct.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Swift Boat

Do we think that Bill Clinton's re-energizing Hillary's position on granting illegal aliens driver's licenses was a mistake? Or do we think that they'd rather talk about that instead of the Peter Paul video? I think that calling it a swift-boating, he hopes that it will inoculate Hillary on that.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Does the Teflon Blonde have any comment about the WGA strike? I'm for it. I'm hoping that writers are properly paid, and maybe they'll also get Kluger off the list. Why not, he steals most of his stuff from me, and then he ruins the rhythm and destroys the jokes. Rotten chiselers.

Don't worry about this folks, I'll still post.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I'm Confused

Okay, so Queen Hillary was for granting driver's licenses to illegal aliens, before she said that she was against it, and now political pundits say that her clarification of her position means that she's for it, again, or is it, still. Are we sure?

Why would she do that? Illegal aliens cannot yet vote. But with these cards, voter fraud could be on the rise. Plus, aliens to this country have put a lot of money into Hillary Clinton's chest. Could that be the reason?

If you were an illegal alien, and you were up to no good, would apply for a card, from the government, telling the government your address? If you were an illegal alien, honest and hard-working, would you fill out a form telling the people who don't want you here, where you live?

I guess I'm not smart enough to understand why this is a good idea.