Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Wasn’t it nice of Hillary Rodham Clinton to celebrate John McCain’s service to the nation by having that birthday party/fundraiser. When Elvis Costello sang, Hillary seemed not to be on the stage. Bill was a few paces front, Chelsea was nearest the audience, Hillary had triangulated herself out of view, only the bowing of her head, as to except an imaginary crown, allowed her to be seen at all.

But for McCain’s anniversary, she’d have partied on her own birthday. Sure she kept the funds raised for herself, but let’s not be snitty about that. After all, she did have Chelsea wear an adorable designer “Dorothy dress” to honor all our service men and women. Anybody who says that outfit was meant as a wink to the gay and lesbian community is just being mean. There’s nothing Hillary can do about that. I did not see video of heels actually clicking together.

Queen Hillary’s real birthday was Friday, the 27th. I remember almost two years ago, a couple of months after her 58th birthday, she was spotted wearing a new ring. It wasn’t a pretty ring, it wasn’t a big ring, it was almost exactly like the BLING! Kobe Bryant bought for his own wife. A statement was released, saying that her husband had given her months earlier for her 58th. Usually, Bill Clinton obligates the nation to compensate his wife for his personal conduct, kind of a high stakes game of dine and ditch. It was a welcome change, him reaching into HIS OWN pocket to buy his wife a birthday gift. My question, what did he buy her for this birthday?

Saturday, October 27, 2007


So Gov. Spitzer (D) has decided that illegal immigrants in New York should be granted driver's licenses and car insurance. Does Hillary Clinton have a position on this? She has lots of opinions, she should have an opinion on this, being a junior senator from NY.

Oh dear, my back is aching again.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I just have to say something about CA, and the recent troubles there, that's the way to play! Using Jack Murphy stadium as a way station, just to get folks clean, fed, and oriented so that they can take care of themselves, right on! People are drawing inappropriate comparisons to the CA wildfires and what happened in New Orleans, I think there are some important similarities, and differences.

Both communities knew what was coming. New Orleans had at least twenty years of foresight, and funding. Unfortunately, they also had dishonest people pocketing the money. The CA people, didn't have as crystal ball, but instead they had years of constant practice, albeit on a smaller scale.

The people are different. Those in New Orleans were poor. Yes also black, but that doesn't matter nearly as much as the money factor. Those who were working, were raising families on the kind of money made by unskilled workers, cleaners, sous chefs and other positions positioned on the low end of the totem poll. Most of the residents of New Orleans were born there, surrounded by aunts, uncles and cousins. They made no deliberate decision to live in New Orleans, although it was home, it was really, just the place they happened to be.

The residents of southern California moved there on purpose, because that's where they wanted to be. The affected area of CA is very expensive, therefore those who are working regularly had high paying jobs, skilled positions, positions that required decision making. People accustomed to living with the consequences, both positive and negative. Unlike those in New Orleans, they were used to problem solving, and replacing workers when they weren't doing right. Ray Nagin would not have been reelected mayor in any town whose constituents were executives, regardless if the town were chocolate, vanilla, butterscotch, or tutti-fruity.

Parts of New Orleans will never be the way they were, but there is something okay about that. The French Quarter is already back and strong. CA will return just fine. In a few days, the heavens will open, the rains will come, and they'll be securely and happily in mudslide season.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


So Bill Clinton was absent when the other candidates' spouses got together for a public show of civility. He did raise funds for Hillary's campaign in Florida, a state where she signed a pledge that she would participate. We all know, that Hillary Clinton couldn't draw a crowd with a stencil. What was the point of the pledge, as she sent the party's rock star in her stead? Do we not think this is a little bit telling? It looks like somebody is not respecting the standards they agreed to live by. Does anybody remember Michigan? Clinton signed a pledge, along with the other Democratic candidates, to not participate in Michigan, but she left her name on the ballot there. The other candidates honored their pledges. Does Wolfie have a comment on this? By the way, Bill Clinton never got a majority of the vote, never. He never reached 50%, never.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Women don't dig Hillary...

How do I know that women don't dig Queen Hillary...because Mark Penn said so. I know that he said he did a private survey, and Republican women favor Hillary, so you know what he's saying.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tricky Dick

We often think that Hillary Clinton would not be where she is without her marriage to Bubba, a fair ponderance. But I’m wondering where she would be without Richard Nixon. It was Richard Nixon who started the health insurance industry.
It was Richard Nixon who opened China, where later, she and her husband got all that lovely money. It was during the Watergate investigation that she got close to Bubba. It was during that investigation of illegal wiretapping that she researched every inch and angle of the impeachment process.

Queen Hillary apparently listened in on illegally taped conversations her husband’s political rivals had. Not only is that stated in a new book, but it was also outlined in the “Primary Colors” movie, making it at least two sources. I don’t agree that she should get a pass on that. I don’t care if those rivals had been discussing political strategy regarding her husband’s girlfriends. I don’t see her as an innocent bride, emptying her husband’s pockets in preparation for the dry cleaner, finding a woman’s phone number and dialing it. I don’t agree that this is any way on par with a mother going into her husband’s wallet, just to get cash for their daughter to buy her weekly school lunch ticket, and accidentally finding a receipt for a florist, or the Hyatt. She was not eavesdropping on her husband, she was eavesdropping on a political rival.

Nobody ever accused Richard Nixon of personally breaking in and planting listening devices, and I don’t see any distinction between what Richard Nixon did, that cost him the presidency, and what Hillary Clinton did. Why shouldn’t it cost her something?

Definition Friend

I know the definition of the word friend. I don’t appreciate being contradicted by those who pollute everything around me, displaying their arrogance, ignorance and condescension. I know the exact value of my experience, and I don’t appreciate it being defined by those who only know the propaganda put out by a professional con team, resentful of refunding this mark’s money. The truth is, getting my money back was easy, and I think they're scared of other marks getting their money back too. The impossible would have already been done, years ago, but for my friends constantly regurgitating the aforementioned propaganda, and doing me the favor of blocking my shots. Seriously, it is not reasonable for anyone to get a proper measure of anything while they're being busied by professionals who are tricking them into doing their dirty work. I don't blame anybody for being suckered. The fault comes when they refuse to stop being suckered. If you want my friendship, be quiet, and out of the way.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


On the theory that G.W. Bush became president because of "activist judges" is it not equally plausible that "activist judges" are protecting Hillary Clinton from the Peter Paul lawsuit? The Hillary Clinton campaign was fined by the FEC. She's a micro-manager. Doesn't it makes sense?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week of Women?

All this week, the Clinton camp will be courting the women's vote. The indicator to that, the camp already announced that they have the women's vote. I'm pretty sure that Bubba's attendance is forbidden.

Queen Hillary, who is entitled to whatever she wants, made public that she and her campaign had "no idea" that feminists would support her campaign. Months ago, the National Organization of Women endorsed her. Months ago Emily's list endorsed her. Why wouldn't the campaign think that feminists would support any candidate that had those endorsements? Who had access to those contact lists? Did the campaign think that feminists would do their own research, or simply remember that few people, man or woman, have done so much to hobble the feminist movement? Would they remember that Hillary's only employment came as a result of her husband? She began working for the Rose Law Firm, only after he was elected Attorney General of Arkansas. She kept her maiden name, not because she was used to it, not because other people in professional circles were used to it, not because it simply suited her, but because she, and the firm, and Bill wanted to be sneaky. The firm and their clients did business with the state, and wanted to be discrete about their pull. Also, Hillary Rodham arranged for those complaining about her husband sexually harassing them to hire lawyers loyal to the offending respondent, not the women plaintiffs, who were paying them. Feminists should have a problem with that.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Mainstream media, why are you allowing Princess Hillary get away with this "Everybody's wrong about everything" crap? She doesn't agree that voting to go to war was a vote to go to war. She thinks it's a prelude to negotiations. She doesn't agree that a vote to label another country's army as a terrorists organization is a prelude to war, she thinks it's a prelude to negotiations. At least that's what she says she thinks. Is she really this dumb, or does she simply have no respect for the intelligence and sophistication of adult grown-up people?

She calls Obama "naive" for "telegraphing" his willingness to talk to other countries. She let Howark Wolfsen out of his crate to belittle her competition for agreeing to talk to a "Holocaust Denier" and recently stated her intention to talk to that same "Holocaust Denier" whom we've recently learned, is also a Persian gay people denier.

She starts fights and then declares herself the injured party. That isn't smart.

Media, you've caught Hillary Clinton lying about the kind of national policy that continues old wars, and starts new wars. It gets Americans maimed and killed, dead. Next time she sics Wolfsen onto you, roll up a newspaper and smack his snout.

Friday, October 12, 2007


I was pretty sure that Gore would take the Nobel Peace Prize, but I didn't think that would make him run for president, until Princess Hillary congradulated him on her website. She's scared, a day in the life of a coward, true, but still. After all, it was her husband's extra-martial "ministries" and his refusal to man up about them, that allowed the republicans to steal the election. If Gore had been president, would we be at war now? Cleaving onto his job was good for Clinton, and bad for America.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


If Hillary Clinton were really the best qualified to be president, why do all the rules have to change in order to help her win? How many years has the election calendar been pretty much the same, but now that she's in the race, a change to benefit her is necessary? Some states will not count. What's up with that? As her main qualification is being married to an impeached president, why won't her rivals mention that? Too embarrassed to win? Or has the DNC become so beholding to Bill Clinton, they feel it their responsibility to compensate the woman who enabled Bubba to be so selfish? (He didn't have to be impeached, the Clintons wanted him impeached.) Was it Biden who assured her that he was discussing "policy" when the old stuff was mentioned in a debate? As for her leading in the Senate, sure, she put her name to some bills, and get in the pictures, but on the rare occasion, when she was absent from the photo, her staff would curse out their staff. Yes, it's amusing, but it's not what I look for in a leader.

Biden and Brownback, they might be the ones who lead us out of Iraq.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Flustered under pressure

Members of Princess Hillary's campaign have argued loudly in public, and she can't maintain her composure when it comes to a question from Randall Rolph. According to the print coverage, as there doesn't seem to be video on this, (even taser boy had video) Rolph wanted to know why he should vote for her, as she doesn't learn from her mistakes, as she voted to bring us to war once, and now twice. She said his premise was wrong. I don't think anything's wrong with his question, and I don't think Randall Rolph is anybody's shill. I do think she's ungrateful to Iowans, the first time she's ahead of their polls, she picks a fight, and declares herself a victim. I think there's something wrong with that.

There are Americans who mind going to war. Although I'm willing to concede that in Princess Hillary's mind she was voting for diplomacy, on the paper, what was written down, brought us to war. She voted again, in her mind, for diplomacy, on the paper, it's a prelude to war.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hillary surprize?

Princess Hillary has been exploiting the September 11, attacks almost since it happened. She publicly stated that daughter Chelsea, jogging by herself in Battery Park. Battery Park is in very close proximity of Ground Zero. Its beautiful view of the Hudson river, includes Lady Liberty. Also it has basketball courts, pool tables, and open fields where the best people showcase their loose knees and agile ankles as they play soccer scrimmage games nearly every afternoon. When New Yorkers cried out with an explicative about the accuracy of Chelsea's location at the time of the attacks, Princess Hillary modified her statement to say that Chelsea was on Park Ave South, standing outside on the street, alone in line waiting patiently for her turn to use the pay phone. New Yorkers repeated the explicative. The statement was again modified to say that Chelsea was inside a friend's apartment, and nothing was mentioned about her Secret Service protection. We stopped swearing at her then. Not because she said something that we considered believable, we just didn't care, we had work to do.

I lived about about a half of a mile from the former WTC, and I had plenty of time, so I worked with many organizations, I was on site for easily a thousand hours or more, (no, I'm not sick) but I started working with the Seaman's Museum Group, because their were no services in the area at the time, I cooked food, served it, washed dishes, ran the company store. I distributed batteries, clothing, duct tape, hard hats, googles, gloves, air masks, first aid, and whatever else was needed. I pushed a wheel barrel around the site, passing out Red Bull and cigarettes. I did everything I was asked to do, I did not work the bucket brigade. I would have, was about to, but some guy said that I couldn't and I needed to do something else. I'm sure I was offended at the time, but there was so many other things that also needed doing, and in hindsight, I'm grateful he stepped in to stop me.

I want you to take another look at that ad Princess Hillary approved. In the picture, she's wearing a mask. Those masks were distributed about three weeks in, if memory serves. They were uncomfortable, heated your breath, and made it hard to talk. The moment a supervisor turned his back, everybody took them off, we wore them on our necks. Look at the picture, those there to do the work, have them on their necks. Princess Hillary is wearing hers on her face, like a tourist.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Okay, so Obama out raises Clinton is two quarters, and Clinton out raises Obama in one quarter, but Obama has out raised Clinton in total, but Clinton is a winner? It doesn't make sense to me. Obama didn't vote to go to war, and Clinton did, but says that she didn't mean to do that. Perhaps we should ask Bill Clinton for a definition of the word "smart."

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bad Luck

Poor Clarence Thomas. Just as he's coming out with his book, the Isaiah Thomas (no relation) sexual harassment suit is winding up. Talk about bad luck. Although, I do think it time for him to get over it. Clarence Thomas has stated that he still feels that Anita Hill was used by his political enemies, which I think is unfair. Of course Anita Hill was used, as was Clarence Thomas, but why is he so confident that they weren't being used by his political friends? Is it not possible that H. W. Bush, who nominated him for the Supreme Court, might not have been interested in the way a sexual harassment charge would have been handled? He and Bill Clinton have been political partners for a very long time, they were likely aware of each other, and their respective ambitions long before. Everybody has always known about Bill Clinton's chronic proclivities... It's just a thought, I don't claim to be smart. As a matter of fact, I did need Bill Clinton telling me what I thought when I heard the word dynasty. It never occurred to me that when I heard that word, I'd think of England's monarchy. I think that, I would have thought about the dynasties in Asia, Ming, and the like. But of course that would have made me think thoughts Asian names, which would have brought me back to the Chinese money laundering service from which the Clintons have made a habit of accepting money, and granting access. That just wouldn't do, not for Bill' sHill.