Friday, July 10, 2009


I don’t understand the logic behind the comparisons between Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin. On paper, they couldn’t be more different. Sure, they’re both ambitious, they’re both married, but their husbands, although equally selfish, are also unalike. Bill has always been Hillary’s meal ticket, whereas Todd works only seasonally.

Sure, they’re both mothers, but radically different there too. Yes, they’ve both been criticized for not being home more, but for really different reasons. Hillary Clinton is a member of another generation, a generation of women most of whom went to college for their MRS degree. I remember the story; this would have been in the very late 1980’s or very early 1990’s, of Hillary Clinton showing Chelsea an article with pictures, of Bill Clinton and another woman. It’s said that Hillary Clinton did that so a young Chelsea could feel like she was a part of things. Chelsea has always been an important part of her parents’ political strategies, she's included in everything. Chelsea, now pushing 30, could easily have children herself; she could be Trig’s mother. As far as Sarah Palin having 5 children, it’s only people from tiny families that think that’s odd. The older ones take care of the younger ones, giving the grown ups time to talk. It’s a little more complicated, more moving parts, but it really isn’t more work.

Sarah and Hillary are both scolds. They each make it sound like if you don’t agree with what they say, then you’re dumb or naive. Clinton uses surrogates to punish; Palin tries to do it herself, very much the trait of a pioneer. Hillary Clinton gets away with a lot because everybody thinks that her husband, a former president, owes her something. To upset her, is to disrupt access to him. Sarah Palin doesn’t have that same bludgeon.

I find it odd that reporters are sourcing Sarah Palin’s wall on Facebook. I find it more odd, that her supporters are using the same words to rally each other, as were used by Hillary Clinton’s supporters. These are not mantras of a movement, but rather awkward phrases. It’s almost as if the same writer wrote all of it.

Finally, I want to address this business about haters and fans. I think both groups are rudely dismissed. I don’t think either is a monolithic group, so why doesn’t some polling company poll them? Find out which other politicians these people like, and dislike. What issues are most important to them? What do they have in common? How are they different? It’s possible that they’re fixated on the gender thing, but it isn’t a given. Most of us are used to seeing accomplished women, we find nothing unusual or even special about it. Equally possible, there’s logic to their loyalty. If we pay attention, listen, it’s possible that we might also learn something. Stranger things have happened.

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