Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Palin v Letterman

Was David Letteman’s joke out of line? I don’t think so. It certainly wasn’t nice, or classy, of course it was tacky, but is that his fault? It was Sarah Palin who paraded her children, and their imperfections into the spotlight when it suited her. All of the elements of the joke were brought to the table, courtesy of Sarah Palin.

Does that mean she forfeits her right to object? I don’t think so. I do think that Sarah Palin, anybody in such a situation, needs to be aware of her own responsibilities in such matters.

I was also struck by the absence of Alex Rodriguez in all of this. Why didn’t Sarah Palin pick up the phone, and call the slugger? Imagine, how much more effective it would have been if A-Rod had simply mentioned that he was the father of daughters himself, and that the girl, was just a girl?

Is David Letterman a dirty old dinosaur whose best is behind him? Sure. But he wasn’t trying to do anything other than be funny. Being funny is hard for anyone; it’s especially hard when you’re David Letterman.

Every woman, no matter her age or imperfections, is on the list of women that men would like to have every one of us is on that list. Men will always want to have sex with women, it’s neither a compliment, nor an insult, it’s just a given. It’s not going to change.

We do live in this world, as imperfect as it is, it’s home.

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