Sunday, October 26, 2008


So the Palin family spent $150k on clothes, so what? I really mean that. They had to buy things on the fly, they didn't feel they had the time to wait for a sale, or even comparison shop. Alaskan fashion has got to be a little different, and of course the campaign wanted them to make a good impression. As clothes do make the man, by extension, they should also make the woman. Plus, let's face it, Sarah Palin has had to be on stage with Cindy McCain. I imagine that it was easier to dress up Sarah Palin and her family, than it would have been to dress down Cindy McCain.

Lighten up folks. I don't mind her keeping the clothes. Think it through, $150k worth of clothes isn't much compensation for being publicly outed as a gimmick. In the grand scheme of things, this really is a small matter.

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