Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hillary's got a new hit squad.

The Hillary Heads are at it again, still, whatever. They took members of the old groups, that support Hillary Clinton, and formed another one, they're calling it a family. Ahhhh.

In their press release, they state that they want to help women, discourage domestic violence, give 20% more of party (not their own money, party money) money to women running office, then their male counter-parts. They want to help women establish and run small business, (why they don't want to help women establish and run big businesses, is not something they mention) They want equal pay, mandatory maternity leave, and to win all the dorm room debates of the 1970's. But most of all, they want Chris Matthews fired. According to Rachel Maddow, he is solely responsible for HRC's victory in New Hampshire. They wanted him (and unnamed others) fired so much, that they stated it in their press release. They've since scrubbed it from later versions, but click the link, over on your right, and you can see it in original form.

Anybody else mind that these people are trying to get somebody fired, because he didn't show proper respect for their favorite politician?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These women are all big business owners, do the women who work for them feel they are paid correctly? Do they get maternity leave?