Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Again, still, whatever...

Susan Estrich is at it again, still, there are some things that aren't ever going to change. She goes into a list of Bill Clinton's good works, such as personally carrying medicine to people who would die without it. (We're apparently supposed to believe that there is no mail system or delivery system of any kind in Africa.)

All this is guise to proclaim Hillary Clinton, the most victimized person in history. Who'd want that mantel? Normal people don't want that. Being victimized is certainly something, including time consuming, but I don't think it belongs in the accomplishment column. HRC is supposed to be strong, deserving and independent from her husband. Huh? We don't give important jobs to people because they deserve them, we do it because they'll do the job we need done. As for her independence from her husband, what job has Hillary Clinton ever held that he didn't arrange for her?

Estrich uses words borrowed from bubble-bodied baby broads, who in spite of limited resources, wear their hair big, and their fingernails in the style of bank tellers. Educated people don't tend to call people haters. Intelligent people tend to have a better argument than to say others don't have much respect. Proving that you heard what was said, although very cute, isn't the same thing as actually getting it.

Bill and Hillary Clinton have amassed a personally fortune in excess of $100 million, so let's not pretend they're poor.

Minnie Pearl's hats had a more discreet price tag, than the many on the Clintons. I say that it doesn't look right, for a man's charitable organization to buy, or rent an email list from his wife. If Bill Clinton would like to pay off his wife's campaign debt, let him reach into his own pocket, and not the money marked for malaria medicine.

Susan Estrich does concede that it would be very bad if children had to die because Bill Clinton's efforts to prevent and treat malaria in the third world were blocked. That tragedy would be second only in severity to her friend, Hillary Clinton, not becoming Secretary of State. That would be truly be too bad.

We all have our interests, and that was just a column. Written by a person who has been refusing to use her head, and instead, mainlining the Clinton Kool Aid for decades. (And why not? They are her cash, and cachet. Why would she try to imagine, even flirt with a future without them?) I'm sure it wasn't taken personally, and that it's done no harm.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


It’s that time again. The time of year where so many of us ponder those (mostly famous) people who have left our ranks, to join the newly dead. We tally up what they took from this world, and what they gave it, so let’s go over a few…

Mary Meader, an early pioneer in aerial photography, forever expanding our knowledge of geography. Dith Pran, who told us his story in “The Killing Fields”

The actors, Suzanne Pleshette , Richard Widmark, Charlton Heston, Roy Scheider, Sydney Pollack, Bernie Mac, George Carlin.

Albert Hofmann, who gave the world LSD, and all of its accoutrements.

Those who died stupid deaths, Brad Renfro, Heath Ledger, and LeRoi Moore, saxophonist, taken via an ATV accident.

Paul Newman, where do we put him? An actor, an icon an activist. Brilliant businessman, by the time he died, he’d raised a quarter of a billion dollars, to benefit a bunch of strangers. He arranged for his fundraising and charity work to go on without him.

Dr. Michael E. DeBakey, he gave us bypass surgery, and a bunch of other trinkets to keep us alive and healthy. Judah Folkman, who believed and proved that if you kept the blood flow away from a tumor, the cancer couldn’t spread.

For their politics, Jesse Helms, William F. Buckley Jr., Richard Darman, Tony Snow, And former Indonesian president, Suharto.

The musicians, Bo Diddley, whose innovative style helped define rock and roll. Cachao. Isaac Hayes. Levi Stubbs, of The Four Topps. Richard Wright, of Pink Floyd. Dave McKenna, considered to be the best pianist alive, he was 78.

Cyd Charisse, and Eartha Kitt, each admired and desired to the very end.

Sunny von Bulow, and Betty Paige, both widely believed to be dead for decades, now actually are.

Reporters, Alan Lupo Tim Russert Studs Terkel, Don Gillis, Jim McKay and Jerry Wexler, of Billboard Magazine, he coined the phrase rhythm and blues.

Marie Smith Jones was the last of the Eyaks. She left with us dictionary, just in case anybody ever wants to learn the language that died with her.

This isn’t anywhere near everybody. There have been many more quietly contributing, teaching, mentoring, loving and being loved, none easy feats. People have been doing the things worth doing. Things that make the difference, although they may have been overlooked, they haven’t gone unnoticed.


Sunday, December 21, 2008


Why are people still vilifying Caroline Kennedy, for applying for a job? What is up with that? She’s perfectly qualified, knows the industry, all the right people, and with the glaring exception of Hillary Clinton, pretty much everybody returns her phone calls.

Although it has been reported that HRC "told her supporters not to involve her in their efforts to stop Caroline Kennedy's path to the U.S. Senate" it doesn’t really seem that they’re exactly backing off. More like they’re trying not to leave HRC’s fingerprints on the matter. I happen to think that's a bit slippery. But what do I know. (I have the same opinion of James Carville using HRC's email list to solicit money for Media Matters, which was founded by Hillary Clinton, for Hillary Clinton.)

By the by, where is Howard Wolfson? Isn’t he supposed to be charging in, his spinning flail at the ready to fell all those who dare denigrate a fellow democrat? Why is he waiting?

It seems to me that some people do not want Gov. Patterson to appoint anybody to the soon to be vacated seat. It seems that they’re offended that anybody would try to get the gig. Well then, maybe Hillary Clinton should serve out her term, and just hope that the Secretary of State position remains unfilled for the next two years. Either that, or just act like a grown up.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Empty seat...

Why is every opportunity afforded to a woman, who isn't Hillary Clinton, a slap in the face of Hillary Clinton? Seriously, this has been old for a while. Caroline Kennedy may be up the HRC's vacated Senate seat, why is this an insult to Hillary Clinton? Just because she endorsed Barrack Obama? The guy who gave Hillary Clinton the job she wanted almost as much as she wanted to be president? Is this for real? Clinton surrogates running around avenging the Kennedy endorsement of Obama, to what end? Are they trying to alienate the incoming democratic president?

Hillary Clinton has said that she is respecting Governor Paterson by keeping silent, she also claims that nobody speaks for her. Ummm, why is that considered good enough?

The Kennedys have done a lot for the Clintons, they opened many doors for them. Yes, back in the days before Bill Clinton became president, but also more recently. Ted Kennedy called HRC's appointment "outstanding" thus smoothing some of the ruffled feathers in Obama's circle. HRC should have reciprocated the gesture. She could have shown respect for everybody who ever suggested that she had class.

She should denounce the comments made by Hank Sheinkopf and Gary Ackerman as sexist. In doing so, she could show the Obama people that she is in fact an Obama team player, and not just out for what she can get for herself.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gay Out Day

So it's December 10, aka, "call in gay to work" day. It's foolish, but I don't mind somebody having a day off. It's the sort of thing that grabs a few people some headlines, a few minutes of air time on TV, but accomplishes nothing much. I would advise against it. In some areas, people who participate in this action will lose their jobs, and they won't have much, if any, recourse. They're putting themselves, their jobs at risk, for somebody else's name to be in the paper. Big deal.

Those of you, who work for companies sympathetic to your cause, are punishing the wrong people. Those who are working for companies unsympathetic, will be punished. Can anybody honestly say that there is no positioning in their workplace? Of course not. This action will be used against you. Not necessarily because there's any malice at all, but because you handed a professional rival a weapon, and naively expected them not to use it.

Best thing is to protect your own interest, do the work. Put your partner's name on documents, see a lawyer, sign the power of attorney, etc. Yes it's a hassle, but it isn't much different than heterosexual couples.

Of course, do what you want. I think it's a silly idea to try to intimidate people into changing their minds. They'll come around on their own. Worst case, people get upset, push back, and what's already on it's way, gets slowed down. Best case, you get to hang and dine with converts. Eventually, those converts will expect to say the meal's blessing, and let's be honest, the concert version of Freebird takes less time then a convert saying grace. Sometimes all you can do is pick your poison. Just so everybody knows, it's okay to eat your food at the correct temperature. It's fine, really. Just saying.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ed Rendell

So Ed Rendell, a man of a certain age, got caught on a hot mic. I don't agree that he said anything wrong. He didn't say that Janet Napolitano should "get a life" he spoke as somebody who has actually run something.

Anybody who has ever run a business, or a town, or a state, knows that it is hard. You want to be "fair" but when you hire somebody to do a job, that person is expected to do that job. The only reason to hire somebody to do a job, is so that the job will get done. It isn't about whether the person is a dutiful child to aging parents, or a good parent to growing children, or pretty enough to be popular,it's about getting the job done. That's it, that's all. If you pay people to do a job, that doesn't get done, when you need it done, you don't stay in business long, which puts you and all of your other employees out of work, which is bad for the economy.

Janet Napolitano is an accomplished woman. If she sees fit to call Ed Rendell on his comments, she'll do that. If it were me, I'd call him up, and laugh.

This is just another ginned up controversy, created by those who have never run a business, a town or a state. Cambell Brown is not old enough to be of a certain age, but she is of a certain mentality. Why is she perpetuating this we women are all victims nonsense? What is she trying to accomplish? Why aren't women of accomplishments teaching the younger ones how to navigate their lives, how to negotiate better deals? It might be less fun than wallowing in your own status as victum, but certainly more fruitful.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wash v Hitchens

Anybody see that exchange between Joan Walsh and Christopher Hitchens? How embarrassing. Walsh did not smack-down Hitchens, in my opinion, she embarrassed herself, and women in general.

What is it about women of a certain age, acting as if all they are obligated to do is declare some man in the wrong? Was Hitchens trying to get her back a little bit for her "that's your opinion" remark? Certainly. So what? Why couldn't she return the return push? Why limit your response to crying foul? What kind of bone fides come from having a drink with Christopher Hitchens? Going to his house? Really, I do feel like that's too much information. At least she didn't complain about him not calling the next day.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Why did nobody tell me, that the reason HRC refused to end her presidential campaign even after she had lost, was so that she could get cute with the FEC rules? Yes, of course it's smarmy and underhanded, but at least it makes sense.

It took a while after she'd utterly and completely lost the nomination for her to publicly suspend her campaign. She used the word suspend, because it has no legal meaning, much like the word, is, while throwing her support behind Obama, so that she could bargain with the nominee. She forced Ed Rendell, and Charlie Rangel to bark her back, inviting the umbrage of women of a certain age. According to Mark Penn's polling firm, those women are angry.

I don't get why Bill Clinton should be lauded for straighten up and flying right. Should he not have been acting ethically all this time? Why exactly is he to be believed?

If she is appointed SOS, does that mean she'll have to return all those campaign contributions that she hasn't already spent? Does it mean that she will be unable to reach into her husband's pocket to pay back her debts? In this economy, why shouldn't the rich pay their vendors?