Sunday, July 19, 2009
Thanks for visiting here, and I do hope that you'll visit there too. Cheers.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Still Can
The Clintons and their minions are busy deflecting attention, not just by taking a page from the Palin book of fake engagements, but what's more, they're using the US State Department to deny New York taxes owed to it by foreign governments, playing games with NY’s legislature, also they're trying to get Tricky Ricky Lazio elected.
We have bloggers going on daytime television using adult language to give the misimpression that Bill Clinton was Impeached for a minor little event that happened only once, and for only a few minutes. That it was somehow OK, for women to be used by Bill Clinton, and not merely discarded by him, but also viciously sacrificed for his and his wife’s elevation.
Most people find this pattern of behavior is deeply disturbing. Most of us do not find ourselves to be so superior as to NOT take personally our sisters being exploited. We will move heaven and earth; we will wittingly walk into hell, and donnybrook with its demons, just to remove our sisters from such professional cads.
So what does that mean to Monica Lewinsky? It means that she has never had a more opportune time, to get herself a life. (Maybe consider using her step-dad’s name, or her mother’s maiden, for a while, maybe.) Hopefully, she’ll take these next couple of months, to get herself out of NY, away from big city media markets. She cannot have a proper life in Manhattan, at least not for a long, long time, not until she's known for something else. She shouldn’t go to England, too much of a Clinton reach there. If she leaves the country, she should consider Australia, nobody there cares about the Clintons. She could stay in the USA, but she’d have to get out of cites with big media markets, a medium sized city, without much media would be fine.
As Chelsea is pushing 30, that means Monica’s pushing 37. If Monica wants a family, if she wants a proper career, if she wants a real life, she needs to get it now, while she still can.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sure, they’re both mothers, but radically different there too. Yes, they’ve both been criticized for not being home more, but for really different reasons. Hillary Clinton is a member of another generation, a generation of women most of whom went to college for their MRS degree. I remember the story; this would have been in the very late 1980’s or very early 1990’s, of Hillary Clinton showing Chelsea an article with pictures, of Bill Clinton and another woman. It’s said that Hillary Clinton did that so a young Chelsea could feel like she was a part of things. Chelsea has always been an important part of her parents’ political strategies, she's included in everything. Chelsea, now pushing 30, could easily have children herself; she could be Trig’s mother. As far as Sarah Palin having 5 children, it’s only people from tiny families that think that’s odd. The older ones take care of the younger ones, giving the grown ups time to talk. It’s a little more complicated, more moving parts, but it really isn’t more work.
Sarah and Hillary are both scolds. They each make it sound like if you don’t agree with what they say, then you’re dumb or naive. Clinton uses surrogates to punish; Palin tries to do it herself, very much the trait of a pioneer. Hillary Clinton gets away with a lot because everybody thinks that her husband, a former president, owes her something. To upset her, is to disrupt access to him. Sarah Palin doesn’t have that same bludgeon.
I find it odd that reporters are sourcing Sarah Palin’s wall on Facebook. I find it more odd, that her supporters are using the same words to rally each other, as were used by Hillary Clinton’s supporters. These are not mantras of a movement, but rather awkward phrases. It’s almost as if the same writer wrote all of it.
Finally, I want to address this business about haters and fans. I think both groups are rudely dismissed. I don’t think either is a monolithic group, so why doesn’t some polling company poll them? Find out which other politicians these people like, and dislike. What issues are most important to them? What do they have in common? How are they different? It’s possible that they’re fixated on the gender thing, but it isn’t a given. Most of us are used to seeing accomplished women, we find nothing unusual or even special about it. Equally possible, there’s logic to their loyalty. If we pay attention, listen, it’s possible that we might also learn something. Stranger things have happened.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tricky Ricky Lazio
He names the current governor, the former mayor of NYC, and of course himself, as the only contenders. What makes him think that New Yorkers will even consider a banker for New York’s top spot? Bankers created this economic mess. Bankers made money so cheap, housing prices went through the roof. Bankers made us all used to using credit cards for everything. Everything. Everything even down to a purchase of a single cookie. Now they’re capriciously raising our rates, and lowering our limits, without a word of explanation. This is breaking the nation’s back. How can he expect us to elevate him, when we’re worried about our own brothers and sisters, who never asked for, nor deserved this burden?
I think that New York can do better than this pug-faced over-entitled frat boy for governor. Vote NO, on Tricky Ricky Lazio.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Ugly Girlfriends
Honestly, I’m not all that mad at Bacardi. Of course it’s mean, and rude, and insulting to all of us. It defines all women as either having ugly looks, or ugly personalities. Dismissing all of the personal elements of style that make each of us more interesting. That said, they’re just trying to get their name out, and if they can get us women fighting amongst ourselves, well they probably consider that a turn on.
I’m upset with the old white women, who rail against commentators and comedians under the guise of protecting the pampered, privileged and already over protected. They come out in force when a politician’s daughter is slighted, why wouldn’t they come out in force for everyone’s daughters? This was a perfect opportunity. I don’t know if they kept silent because they are not tech savvy, or because it was in fact all women who were insulted. But I do know that it obligates me to make snide remarks over their constant clamp of The Feminine Mystique, and their hyper underscoring of The Scum Manifesto.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ensign Resigns
So John Ensign resigned a leadership position and publicly admitted an affair. An affair he had while separated from his wife, with an adult woman whose husband was away, and for this he’s being publicly admonished. He’s said to be a hypocrite. I’m still surprised at the sheer number of hypocrites who condemn hypocrisy.
Bill Clinton pressed his advantage with vulnerable women. When he was finished, he threw those women to the wolves, aided of course by his wife and their many "feminist" friends. No hypocrisy there?
I don’t agree that somebody who tries to live his life morally (even though failure happens) is somehow less moral than somebody who never gave it a thought. Life is long, everybody blows it, most of us more often then we’d like, but that shouldn’t mean that we don’t try. If we give ourselves the chance, we just might surprise even ourselves.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Palin v Letterman
Does that mean she forfeits her right to object? I don’t think so. I do think that Sarah Palin, anybody in such a situation, needs to be aware of her own responsibilities in such matters.
I was also struck by the absence of Alex Rodriguez in all of this. Why didn’t Sarah Palin pick up the phone, and call the slugger? Imagine, how much more effective it would have been if A-Rod had simply mentioned that he was the father of daughters himself, and that the girl, was just a girl?
Is David Letterman a dirty old dinosaur whose best is behind him? Sure. But he wasn’t trying to do anything other than be funny. Being funny is hard for anyone; it’s especially hard when you’re David Letterman.
Every woman, no matter her age or imperfections, is on the list of women that men would like to have every one of us is on that list. Men will always want to have sex with women, it’s neither a compliment, nor an insult, it’s just a given. It’s not going to change.
We do live in this world, as imperfect as it is, it’s home.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The premise of this silly book is that because the Democrats have the young voters, they will keep them. This is a fallacy. Everybody is a liberal when they’re young. When you’re in your twenties, the world is a place where advantages shouldn’t matter, where there should be compensations for disadvantages. Everything is supposed to be fair.
When you get a little older, and your parents begin to retract that amazing safety net you’d so long enjoyed, your ideas begin to evolve. Now you’re paying all your own bills, you’ve got a mortgage, and you’ve probably got people counting on you.
People will age into a more conservative set of ideals when they have more responsibilities, just as they always have before. It isn’t dependant on their religion, or the color of their skin, it never has been. It’s always about what’s best for your family.
Carville is using this book to promote his polling firm. The numbers are useless. So the proportion of white married Christians has changed, so what? Everybody wants a nice home, in a good neighborhood, where their children can grow up safe, and advantaged. To say that is the exclusive aspiration of white married Christians is to play the race card, rather sloppily.
People are still crediting Carville for “It’s the economy, stupid.” The truth is, people have been voting their wallets since people have been voting. James Carville didn’t come up with the concept, he was simply more rude when he said it.
By the way, the dingy duo, James Carville and Mary Matlin are once again trying to do for Crystal Cruises what Kathy Lee Gifford did for Carnival, the Fun Ships! Actually, what they’re really trying to do is get a discount rate for their own $40,000 vacation. Just saying.
Monday, April 27, 2009
American as Capitalism
I remember, 1998, at Shea, when Piazza first arrived he’d step to the plate, and the home crowd would boo. After a few times, the Mets would instigate a chant. A drumbeat would sound, to drown out the booing masses and up on the big screen, the “Let’s go Mets” would flash, and parts of the crowd only saw the Diamond Vision, joined in the chant, in short, it worked. You see, Mike Piazza had a big contract with the Mets, although his ego dwarfed his contract, Piazza was the ninth highest paid player in the league. The Mets didn’t (still don’t) want to lose their investment.
This crowd manipulation was particularly cumbersome at the time. The Mets’ production crew was running on a linear system that had only two playout channels, two options of what they were going to show on the big screen. (They upgraded in 2002, lots of goodies, including an instant clip management system, and 19 channels, 19 options, sweet!) By requiring the “Let’s Go Mets” chant in one of its two channels, it divided by half, the options of the technical director. Whether he went to a live shot, or a replay, or a clip or pre-edited sequence from long ago, a decision had to be made, in advance, and stuck with. There was no switching on the fly. The only other channel wasn’t available.
The Mets protected Piazza, they always have. Mike Piazza did not want to answer the steroid question, so the Dwight Gooden graffiti scandal was born. Yes, a successful attempt to control the story, to stop the media griping about the snubbing Piazza gave them.
Why are they still protecting Piazza? Surely they can’t believe that he’s going into the Hall under a Mets cap. He’s not going into the Hall under anybody’s cap. Reporters may not report of his off field antics, due to the need for access, or ethics about deep backgrounds, but they know. (I wouldn’t know they story about the live rat being sent to a reporter, had the Sicilian princess not had my name inscribed on the package’s return address.) The media also know that he was an incomplete player. A DH, with an impressive publicist, and enough family connections to get him in the game.
When Mike Piazza began playing professional baseball, in September of 1992, he was rumored to be a 62nd round draft pick, only chosen as a favor to his brother’s Godfather, Tommy Lasorda. (Also, we’re supposed to believe that Lasorda had only enough juice for a 62nd round draft pick, but whatever.)
And now Tommy Lasorda is vouching for Piazza, big deal. So what else would he do? Tommy Lasorda began playing professional ball in 1945. He is not an innocent; he knows everything there is to know about the game. (In unrelated news, it was 1941, when Steve Rogers was injected with a super-solider serum, thus becoming, Captain America.) There isn't anything new under the sun.
In 1994, an extended baseball strike began which eventually cost the league upwards of $600 million dollars, and the goodwill of the public. People had become disenchanted with the game they felt angry and betrayed. Plus, as they didn’t have baseball to spend their time and money, they got used to spending their time and money on other things. When the strike did finally end, the players were not field fit. The small crowds resented the poor performance, and the clubs weren't making any money. The game needed something to juice it up, and a handful of players were eager to take the juice. They wanted to be rich, and famous, the owners wanted the media to focus on something positive, to lure back the crowds and their money.
Steroids seemed perfect. All gain, and no pain. Nobody had a way of testing for steroids, and if you couldn't prove steroid use, you could profit from it, which is what many decided to do. Steve Phillips, who acquired Mike Piazza for the Mets, is using that as a non-defense defense. He's protecting himself; sort of admitting he turned a blind eye, but not quite. He's a member of the media now, and he still needs access. Without it he doesn't have any story to tell. Without a story to tell, how's he supposed to fulfill his contract, and collect his money? It's a circle. Baseball, as American as capitalism.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Off the mark
In the first paragraph, she suggests that Obama might be nervous and insecure, and then lists the reasons why nobody would blame him for feeling nervous and insecure.
Second paragraph; everybody makes mistakes, Obama’s already making mistakes, but as he doesn’t seem fazed by it, he’s either already out of touch, or misleading everybody, and that makes him dishonest.
After that, there are three paragraph-type things, dismissing his smarts, and emphasizing how articulate he is, and the superficiality of his style. The line “President Barrack Obama is in charge” really does read as a temporary surrender, an explanation for bidding one’s time.
She then proceeds to define the role of president, and let us know that she doesn’t know if his policies are good ones, (which is odd, because according to Estrich, she really is an expert on seemingly everything) but she knows he’s got the theater down, so that’s all we can expect.
She others him by declaring the nation scared, insecure, and him confident. Then reduces the value of confidence, by contrasting its definition with the definion of competence.
By repeatedly claiming that the Obamas are young, she is parroting Bill Clinton’s point, when on the campaign trail he called Barrack Obama a kid.
Ralph Atler is off the mark.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
How tweet it is...
Unlike this silly Madagascar rumor, non-rumor thing. Last week, Twitter was all a tweet, or rather a re-tweet, regarding the then president of Madagascar who had been ousted by a coup. Dipnote went on Twitter saying that it was aware of the rumor about him going to the US embassy, asking for refuge. Minutes later, Dipnote repeated the rumor, and declared it false, and requested that everybody re-tweet. So a bunch of people did. Here’s the upshot, the US Embassy was never in any danger, there were never any threats to Americans, and Dipnote is still aggrandizing itself for acting quickly to a dangerous situation, even though the dangerous situation, wasn’t.
Former President Marc Ravalomanana did not seek help from the US; he instead went to Swaziland, where a meeting of heads of the Southern African Development Community is planned. The African Union has already suspended Madagascar’s membership. If the education provided to me on all those rainy summer afternoons, courtesy of the Parker Brothers, is to be trusted, it’s entirely possible that the Africans will take some action against the current government of Madagascar. If that happens, the Africans will win. Africa is bigger. They may reinstate the former president, or simply make a deal with the new one. Either way, it’s kind of refreshing to watch a skirmish that has nothing to do with us.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Fair Waring
This nation has a cuckold as Sectary of State. Everybody knows it, but only the Clintons are allowed to joke about it. I don't find it charming. I find the Clintons using their attention getting ability to play a very dangerous game, with the properly elected leaders of the US government and the people of this nation, being the monkey in the middle.
I have some responsibility for this. For years, I thought that being polite was the correct thing to do. I was wrong. I have had to listen to a scripted rant from various spokesmen of the whole rest of the world, who think we're crazy for impeaching Bill Clinton. (I don't think the whole rest of the world thinks about us all that much, and if they do, they probably realize that American women are also Americans, and as such, entitled to a level of protection under the law.) I will no longer listen to those rants. I will no longer let anybody use the crutch of it's just politics. It is not just business, or just politics, frankly, it isn't even personal. What it is, is a diabolical form of misogyny.
I will attempt to correct that mistake. I will, as politely as I know how, please note the low bar, interrupt the rant, to introduce myself properly and give a brief explanation of my experience. I invite all of the other women who have been targeted by the Clintons and their surrogates to do the same. I understand there will be some embarrassment about this, but that can only be helped if said spokesmen refrain from the rant. Consider the sheer number of women who have been targeted, the likelihood of you running into one or more of us is hardly remote. The more I think about that, the more I think it's a good idea. Perhaps, all the women who have been targeted by them should get together. Alas, all of the stadiums are booked.
When you excuse the way Bill Clinton behaved, the way Hillary Clinton behaved, you're excusing sexism. You cannot elevate practising sexists, without also practising sexism. This slight of hand business is all over. There will be no more smearing, harassment, assaults (sexual or otherwise) just to feed the Clinton machine. Women have a right to live up their potential, whether or not Bill Clinton (or anybody else) happens to be attracted to them. Opportunity should not be to women, what Eddie Murphy's ice cream was to his neighborhood friends.
Who knew so many Democrats would believe sacrificing so many women, could be for the good of the party?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Paterson Death Watch...
His plan was obviously to appoint Kirsten Gillibrand. Hillary Clinton had taken some heat (much of it from me) for her habit of pulling the ladder up behind her. As Gillibrand had worked to get her elected in 2000, when HRC ran against professional tomato can Rick “look at my butt” Lazio, she was chosen to proclaim Clinton as her mentor. She might have said it in Chinese, or French…
Paterson opted to have the press bloody up Caroline Kennedy. It was deliberate, and it served to punish the Kennedys for backing the new president. (It’s Barrack Obama who’s given Hillary Clinton the security clearance she lacked as co-president of the United States.) Also to protect Gillibrand from media and its questions. It was also intended as appreciation towards the Clintons for getting Spitzer out of the way of Paterson’s ascension. It will also prove it be his ultimate undoing.
Even after he’d admitted that he’d hung her out to dry, Kennedy still acted like an adult and tried to do the right thing by the state, and withdraw her name from consideration. If he’d handled himself properly, it would have worked. Instead, he had snide rumors gratuitously circulated. Of course everybody knows that there is no such thing a personal situation that will keep any Kennedy from public service, but by minimizing the fall out, she, unlike the other players in this ugly game, wasn’t trying to fool anybody, she was trying to protect the people of the state. She and her family walked 26 blocks, on a NY winter’s evening, to have their dinner out, show face, and really put the public a little more at ease. That’s a gesture of a true, seasoned player.
Nobody wants to be seen as a pushover, it sets an impossible tone. It’s the same reason women can be unyielding about the beginning of a relationship. It’s not that she doesn’t want to see you, she doesn’t want to tell your children that the first real date she had with their father, involved liquor, a famous hotel, and not even a gaggle of girlfriends to feign the appearance of propriety.
If the Kennedys don’t end his career, they invite every hustler, grifter, scammer to target all of them, and all their foundations. The Special Olympics, The River Project, all the environmental stuff, the housing, the heating, everything. It will be as if someone has rung a bell… it’s nothing more, or less than the way the world works.
So with David Paterson’s career very much over, who benefits? Andrew Cuomo looks like he feels like he’s in the running, but I wonder if he’s thought it through. I think he knows that HRC is largely a figurehead, and as such he figures she won’t have enough influence to jeopardize her job. He’s probably been assured that Bill will behave, but what if the Clintons, who have repeatedly been stone cold busted telling untruths to the public, are lying also to him. Even in private. OMG! What if HRC is conspicuous when disagreeing with the president? Is it possible she’ll lose this plum assignment, and need a place to land. With Paterson out of the way, and the Kennedys and Cuomos fighting each other, she can reluctantly agree to be called.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
HRC Hearing.
What about this business that international abuse of women isn't culture, according to Hillary Clinton, it's a crime. Well, that's nice too. Am I the only one who remembers, it was the year 2000, the Puerto Rican Day Parade. It was NYC, and a bunch of damn fools got loaded, and proceeded to sexually assault numerous random women. Hillary Rodham Clinton was responsible for capitalizing on that event to call for the names of all victims of sexual assault to be published. She was a woman in her fifties then. I found that disturbing at the time, I find it even more deeply disturbing now.
If somebody is willing to do something once, and then repeats the thing, twice; what right do you have to put your money that they won't do it yet another time? This nation needs to use its head, to protect itself. To keep records, recordings, of the things that are actually happening. In order for this nation to have the freedoms in the future, that this nation, and its citizens have come to expect, this nation has to be self reliant. We have to look out for our own interests for the future, and not simply rely on those things we are owed. Just because Mrs. Peacock owes Colnel Mustard, is no reason to think she won't blab about him being in the library with the candlestick. True or not, he won't be in any position to call in the debt.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Lame Duck Senator
Instead of aiding the transition process, untying the Governor’s hands, instead of preparing for her new job at state, how is she spending her time?
She’s bargaining with Bon Jovi to get her campaign debt paid down. She’s selling her email list to Bill’s charity. That she’s all about the Benjamins, there is little doubt. She’s holding on to the headlines, having her surrogates lavish public, although dubious, praise onto her, hoping to bury any reference to the tenth anniversary of her husband’s impeachment.
She should resign. She should spend this time boning up on world issues. Our position on Gaza, the riots in Greece, so many other things are going on. For the good of the world, for the good of the nation, for the good of New York, Hillary Clinton should resign.