Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kennedy's Appearance

Senator Kennedy does another great speech. He spoke of the past, as he leaned into the future. He used his stature to herald the nominee, and he did it with style, gravitas and gorgeous hair.

Senator Kennedy, and Senator Obama have a fluidity. Most of the Kennedys endorsed Barrack Obama early, and often. They've always shared the same dream that Dr. King brought into the populous with his famous speech. These are people willing to work and sweat for the ideals that others have only talked about.

Ted kennedy, an imperfect and mortal man, is deliberately using his final time on this earth not to aggrandize himself, but to ensure that the rest of us, whom he leaves behind, will have security, the drive and the vehicle to build for ourselves the very best future. Senator Edward Kennedy could have passed the torch to anybody. He chose Barrack Obama, because in his judgement, Barrack Obama is ready carry it high, and let it light the way for others. I think that's pretty cool. I'm confident that it's the stuff from which true immortality comes.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Kill Joy!

Susan Estrich is at it again. Still. Whatever. She's upset because she's only in with the old crowd. She's undermining the nominee, calling him juvenile. Rebukes by Rep. Clyburn be damned!

She's also excusing John McCain's senior moment, I guess maybe because she gets them too.

We get it. You're angry and hurt that your friend didn't win, and you want to make sure that since you're not enjoying this, that nobody else is either. Now who's being childish?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Liar, liar...

Susan Estrich needs to stop lying to people about her friends, the Clintons. She's continuing to tell people that all Barrack Obama had to do, was pay off her debts. 20-25 million dollars was all he had to raise, and he would have had his convention all to himself. That Terry McAuliffe would have been dispatched (you remember Terry McAuliffe, he was a pretty big deal, and then Bill Clinton brought him to Africa, on a borrowed plane, which broke. They must have left him to weasel out wampum from the indigenous people there, as nobody seems to have heard from him since) to pay the debts and unite the party. What a lie. She knows why Hillary Clinton's campaign debt went unpaid. Everybody who was even a little bit aware of the the negotiations of the Michigan delegates knows why Obama hasn't paid Hillary Clinton's many bills. You remember the argument, Clinton was to get all of her delegates, and because Obama kept his agreement not to be on the ballot, even though 40% of the people who showed up to vote, followed Obama's instructions to check the uncommitted box, Obama was to receive zero delegates. That is the Clinton sense of proportion. The Clintons would have happily, although not graciously accepted them money. Bill Richardson recently had a fundraiser in New Mexico, where he's the governor, to help pay down HRC's debt. She dissed him on the stage.

The Clintons would not have behaved themselves. Obama got the best deal anybody could have gotten. Think it through, 20 million dollars is a lot of money, to me and you, but to the Clintons? They have a hundred million dollars, "his" and "hers" mansions, and a lifetime of getting free money each and every time they asked. Think it through, how much money have the Clinton collected of the past 35 years? Bill's atty. general runs? AR governors races, his two presidential terms, the money he raised to protect himself from the sexual harassment charges, the perjury and so fourth. Hillary Clinton's two (cough) senate runs, and what about the Clinton Library, or the foundation? No, the Clintons are used to collecting free money, as greedy as they are, it just isn't a thing.

What they want, need is attention. Their star has faded, and they want it resurrected. Failing a resurrection, they want the appearance of a resurrection, the illusion that they somehow remain relevant, which of course, they're not. The reason they can't stand Barrack Obama, isn't just because they're petty people who can't stand being beat, but because he personifies what the Clintons could only talk about. The best they can do is sabotage other democrats, while reminding everybody of the Clinton success. Bill Clinton was inclined to pass a cigar to somebody of the next generation, but when it came to passing the torch, he didn't. Who has been mentored by either Clinton?

People like Susan Estrich, protect and promote the Clintons, not because they're friends, because they have a relationship of mutuality. In elevating the Clintons, however falsely, she gets to maintain her place with the cool kids, showing her mother that she is pretty enough to be popular. Also, she gets to get paid. For a long time, she's been on Fox as the Clintons' champion, which made sense, but now that Fox is Clinton surrogate heavy, it just doesn't anymore.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


When everybody laughed at Lady de Rothschild, for calling Barrack Obama the E-Word, she kind of dropped from sight, leaving her partner, Amy Siskind, to take a turn as HRC's hit-woman. Well, she did go back to London, England, where she proceeded to call Obama the E-word again, this time from out of the country.

Course you've got Susan Estrich comparing John Edwards' conduct to Russia's invasion of Georgia, while pretending that the stain Bill Clinton left on Monica Lewinsky's dress was his one and only assignation. She also lists the reasons why Bill Clinton was entitled.

I think that it was terribly unkind for Clinton's people to intimidate the Edwards family as they have. Elizabeth Edwards is dying, if she wants to live out the last year or so of her life with her eyes glued shut, and her thumbs in her ears, well then that shouldn't be any less her prerogative as it remains Hillary Clinton's. The Edwards family have things to get in order. Plans for their children's futures, and precious little time to waste watching high-toned hypocrites showcase their schadenfreude. Elizabeth Edwards might have had something interesting to say at the convention, but we won't hear her voice, as she's unlikely to go. Her children will soon have only their father, they're going to need him.

It's hardly the first time a family dealing with a big, scary, crisis came together, and when the crisis began to ebb, somebody went and did the wrong thing. Is he getting a little cute with the details? Probably. But I'm guessing. I have my own problems, and no dog in that fight.

I don't think that it's too much to ask, when playing the hypocrisy card, that a little logic be included.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hillary's got a new hit squad.

The Hillary Heads are at it again, still, whatever. They took members of the old groups, that support Hillary Clinton, and formed another one, they're calling it a family. Ahhhh.

In their press release, they state that they want to help women, discourage domestic violence, give 20% more of party (not their own money, party money) money to women running office, then their male counter-parts. They want to help women establish and run small business, (why they don't want to help women establish and run big businesses, is not something they mention) They want equal pay, mandatory maternity leave, and to win all the dorm room debates of the 1970's. But most of all, they want Chris Matthews fired. According to Rachel Maddow, he is solely responsible for HRC's victory in New Hampshire. They wanted him (and unnamed others) fired so much, that they stated it in their press release. They've since scrubbed it from later versions, but click the link, over on your right, and you can see it in original form.

Anybody else mind that these people are trying to get somebody fired, because he didn't show proper respect for their favorite politician?

Friday, August 8, 2008

John Edwards

I know that my progressive friends blame the evil republicans for the National Enquirer story, they're wrong. (I've seen the pictures, they don't tell me enough. I don't know if the story is true or not.) The evil republicans are not behind it. It doesn't do the evil republicans any good to break such a story now. They would much rather sit on a story like this, and break it on their time-table. So whose good does it do to break the story now? John Edwards was probably going to get a pretty good speaking spot at the democratic national convention. Let's think, who is currently negotiating for speaking times at the democratic national convention? If only somebody would come to mind...