So Elizabeth Edwards decided that it was a nice idea to make a public call, on TV, to Ann Coulter and announce that she's from the South, and that makes her polite, so that Coulter should stop picking on her husband. I think Mrs. Edwards was very rude. I am not defending Ann Coulter. I do think that politics is a nasty business, and those who've dedicated they're lives to politics should be aware of it that and keep their whining private. Also this instigated the obligatory bravado from her husband, which is of course designed to prove that he's not a sissy who hides behind his wife's skirt. Fun stuff. Do you remember Jerry Brown accusing Bill Clinton of using Hillary's Rose Law Firm for government contracts etc., and Bill pretending it was an attack on his wife? It'll be just like that. By the way, when Hillary was using the Rose Law Firm to represent the women whom she got to sign affidavits that they hadn't slept with her husband, (who does that?) did they know to whom she was married? Was she going by Hillary Rodham at the time.
It isn't good manners to tell people that you're being polite, as you tell them how to live their lives. Nobody thinks Ann Coulter is easy to like. Is she often rude, frequently tacky, sure. So what? I don't blame anybody for not liking it, but if you're afraid of the likes of Ann Coulter, if you're afraid of the things people say to your face, should you really be in politics?
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Nice Terrorists
What a nice way to help the terrorists, making felons out of teenagers who happened to pull a pretty good prank on the last day of school. At Hendrick Hudson High School, which is in New York's Westchester County, 19 students were busted for placing alarm clocks all over the school, the clocks were synchronized to ring at 9:30am, disrupting class. The grown-ups called the bomb squad, and now some of our best and brightest will have to go through their entire lives as felons. Nice. Did we not learn our lesson from the "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" bomb scare in Boston? (Of course we agree the guy who did that was an adult who really should have known better, but as the long time mayor of "jerk-land" figured it just wouldn't matter.) There is no justification for letting the world know that we no longer have a sense of humor. We are Americans, and shame on us for allowing the world to believe that we are easily frightened, that fear itself is an exploitable weakness that we worry more about liability than we do the big picture.
The world is not a different place since 9/11, it just seems that way. Mostly because we have seen fit to forfeit rational judgement, to put sour-pusses in charge. There's a time to be a hard-ass and a time to giggle behind your official papers.
This was a creative way to bid farewell to their school. Nobody was in danger, no damage was done. They used a key that had been missing for a year. Is it the students fault that the adults, who didn't bother to change the locks, are so paranoid now? Of course not. These are not the people who attacked us. Ban them from graduation, make the little snots work off the bill, but to hobble their futures is to hobble the future of America. Who wants that?
The world is not a different place since 9/11, it just seems that way. Mostly because we have seen fit to forfeit rational judgement, to put sour-pusses in charge. There's a time to be a hard-ass and a time to giggle behind your official papers.
This was a creative way to bid farewell to their school. Nobody was in danger, no damage was done. They used a key that had been missing for a year. Is it the students fault that the adults, who didn't bother to change the locks, are so paranoid now? Of course not. These are not the people who attacked us. Ban them from graduation, make the little snots work off the bill, but to hobble their futures is to hobble the future of America. Who wants that?
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Some people of Mesa AZ where I used to live, decided it was a good idea to grab a woman and brand her face with the word "snitch" on it. Cowards. They lured this chick into an apartment, where four of them were lying in wait. This is supposed to be retaliation because she'd answered police questions about a domestic violence report, for for that the abuser and his victim had to have her punished. Cowards.
Hillary's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, have chocolate in them. I thought that Bill Clinton was allergic to chocolate. Could it be that he's never tasted Hillary's cookies?
Hillary's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, have chocolate in them. I thought that Bill Clinton was allergic to chocolate. Could it be that he's never tasted Hillary's cookies?
Friday, June 22, 2007
My Bad...
Apparently the Soprano spoof the Clintons did was to announce the song chosen for her campaign. I didn't get, my bad. Did anybody else out there not get it? Might it have been more helpful to have played the song? Celine Dion recorded "You and I" which is apparently the choice. A spokesperson for the campaign said that it was picked because it won. I guess that's the same reason Hillary Rodham Clinton's oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe won over the standard toll house cookies. Because that's what people like, which is why chocolate oatmeal cookies sell so much better than the regular kind. Which do you eat more often? What kind of a person fixes a cookie contest? That would just be stupid.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
More fun with No Peeky Blind Trust
So since 1993 the Clintons have had a "blind" trust, in this trust GE, whose president is Steven Kluger, Vassar roommate to Rick Lazio. He didn't run GE back then, and I don't know if the Clintons had any lobbying power there. Also they own stock in Warren Buffet's company. Did you notice that Warren Buffet gave a bunch of money to Bill Gates, right about the same time Bill Clinton piggy-backed on Gates' "Yeah, I made a lot of money, so I'm giving a bunch of it away so you'll stop nagging me about it" goodwill tour? By the by Gates and Clinton share Marc Penn, the PR guy. They may be his only clients. I've wondered who started the anti-Gates thing all those years ago.
Does anybody know why Hillary Clinton was afraid of the question about Libby being pardoned? Why were the union people so chivalrous about protecting Hillary from the question? Assuming Hillary becomes president, will America's adversaries be so chivalrous? Considering Marc Penn's union busting past, why wasn't that question asked? Do the union members know about that? Would they mind? Considering it's Hillary and all.
The Sopranos final ending was not good. It was kind of okay when the parrots did it, but it was again stupid with the Clintons doing it. Don't take that the wrong way. I know they did it because Lloyd Braun also shared that house with Lazio and Kluger. I did however think that comparing the Clintons to a mod family was a bit much, until I remembered the relationship with InfoUSA. Is it true that Nancy Pelosi's son has a "no show" job with them? Like I said, stupid.
Does anybody know why Hillary Clinton was afraid of the question about Libby being pardoned? Why were the union people so chivalrous about protecting Hillary from the question? Assuming Hillary becomes president, will America's adversaries be so chivalrous? Considering Marc Penn's union busting past, why wasn't that question asked? Do the union members know about that? Would they mind? Considering it's Hillary and all.
The Sopranos final ending was not good. It was kind of okay when the parrots did it, but it was again stupid with the Clintons doing it. Don't take that the wrong way. I know they did it because Lloyd Braun also shared that house with Lazio and Kluger. I did however think that comparing the Clintons to a mod family was a bit much, until I remembered the relationship with InfoUSA. Is it true that Nancy Pelosi's son has a "no show" job with them? Like I said, stupid.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
No peeky-blind trust
Is it a blind trust even when you look? Does anybody else have a hard time believing that Hillary Clinton, with her history with Wal-Mart, didn't know that Wal-Mart was in her blind trust? The Clintons have also spent a lot of time with Rupert Murdock, is it just a "happy accident" that News Corp was also part of the "blind" trust?
Oh let's just not mind about that. Let's all pay attention to Obama. It's much less disappointing than expecting the candidates to up their game.
Oh let's just not mind about that. Let's all pay attention to Obama. It's much less disappointing than expecting the candidates to up their game.
Monday, June 18, 2007
WIOD-Enemy of the County
Wiod is a news talk radio station serving Broward county in the state of Florida, and the county doesn't like it. WIOD has has a contract with the county to broadcast news events including serious weather information warnings etc. Well, aside from those contracts, the station also broadcasts shows, which help them meet the expenses that come from running a business. Some of those shows are conservative in nature. Imagine that, conservative talk shows on the radio, oh the humanity! Broward wants to move their contract from WIOD to another station, so that in a time of crisis, its citizens can search up and down the dial in hopes of possibly finding the emergency information they need in order to not die. That's nice. I don't think they should be allowed to do that. I realize that in a free market system, anybody can take their business anywhere, but I think this is different. I think not wanting to advertise on the Don Imus show is fine. But for a government office to take its business someplace where they like the politics better, leans toward socialism. It is not our governments place to chose which views are allowed to be expressed.
The media is a tricky thing, it isn't like other industries, it's 24/7 with 500 channels, and that's not counting the Internet, or countless radio broadcasts. We're still learning of its power and influence. Journalists must retain to ability to report any story that they see fit. If they want to throw in an opinion, as long as it's identified as opinion that's fine too. It's to our benefit, to be reminded that there is more than one viewpoint. It's good to know that smart well-intentioned people will disagree.
No member of the government ought to be allowed to put people in harm's way just because they want to have a tantrum.
The media is a tricky thing, it isn't like other industries, it's 24/7 with 500 channels, and that's not counting the Internet, or countless radio broadcasts. We're still learning of its power and influence. Journalists must retain to ability to report any story that they see fit. If they want to throw in an opinion, as long as it's identified as opinion that's fine too. It's to our benefit, to be reminded that there is more than one viewpoint. It's good to know that smart well-intentioned people will disagree.
No member of the government ought to be allowed to put people in harm's way just because they want to have a tantrum.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I guess I have to chime in on the Duke Lacrosse thing...This is a screwed up situation, I don't think I'm the only one who would really like it to all be over. Did Mike Nifong really believe that something terribly wrong happen that night? I think he did.
All parties of this mess did something wrong. Attention women, there are plenty of ways to make a living in our society that don't include removing your clothes and being sexual in an uncontrolled place for young men. Very poor career decision. It is entirely possible that these dancers looked at these privileged boys, and saw dollar signs. Bad idea. Attention college boys (in a lot of ways, they are boys) why would you think that having beer and naked strange women in the same place at the same time without supervision was a good idea? But for you having to have undressed dancers, this would not have happened. You put your families in this position. It is your fault that the season was canceled. The judgment you used was conceded, selfish and short sighted.
Not even at the beginning of this did I think they raped the dancer, but I have a different perspective, I didn't see the evidence. I didn't hear the stories directly. I wasn't in the middle of the press storm.
Nifong has done many things wrong too. But I doubt it was out of spite. He's out of a job. Maybe it's okay to suspend his law license for a time, but I'm not confident that he should be completely disbarred. Lots of people were making public statements, getting themselves on TV, and putting money into their own pockets. Inability to effectively handle the media should only be a career ender if your career is media. If he loses his license, he'll fight, he should, and I don't know if he'll win or not, but I do want this to be over.
Rape is bad. Rapists should be discouraged from such acts. Let' not go crazy in punishing those whose job it is to try to punish rapists.
I think the Lacrosse players think themselves special, entitled. Most young people do, certainly those prized for an ability or talent. Most of those do eventually grow out of the arrogance of youth, it's just a time of life. When you're only discovering your place in the world. I do think the boys will eventually be fine, I just hope they don't make too much of a career out of being victimized. It's boring. Plus, these players may be special, may have things to accomplish a world to make better, let's hope they put some effort into living their lives, becoming professionals in whatever fields they choose, taking a lesson from this miserable chapter in their young lives. Not allowing it to be anything more than an early chapter in an otherwise long, and more interesting life.
It's time for this to be over. Let's get the page turned.
All parties of this mess did something wrong. Attention women, there are plenty of ways to make a living in our society that don't include removing your clothes and being sexual in an uncontrolled place for young men. Very poor career decision. It is entirely possible that these dancers looked at these privileged boys, and saw dollar signs. Bad idea. Attention college boys (in a lot of ways, they are boys) why would you think that having beer and naked strange women in the same place at the same time without supervision was a good idea? But for you having to have undressed dancers, this would not have happened. You put your families in this position. It is your fault that the season was canceled. The judgment you used was conceded, selfish and short sighted.
Not even at the beginning of this did I think they raped the dancer, but I have a different perspective, I didn't see the evidence. I didn't hear the stories directly. I wasn't in the middle of the press storm.
Nifong has done many things wrong too. But I doubt it was out of spite. He's out of a job. Maybe it's okay to suspend his law license for a time, but I'm not confident that he should be completely disbarred. Lots of people were making public statements, getting themselves on TV, and putting money into their own pockets. Inability to effectively handle the media should only be a career ender if your career is media. If he loses his license, he'll fight, he should, and I don't know if he'll win or not, but I do want this to be over.
Rape is bad. Rapists should be discouraged from such acts. Let' not go crazy in punishing those whose job it is to try to punish rapists.
I think the Lacrosse players think themselves special, entitled. Most young people do, certainly those prized for an ability or talent. Most of those do eventually grow out of the arrogance of youth, it's just a time of life. When you're only discovering your place in the world. I do think the boys will eventually be fine, I just hope they don't make too much of a career out of being victimized. It's boring. Plus, these players may be special, may have things to accomplish a world to make better, let's hope they put some effort into living their lives, becoming professionals in whatever fields they choose, taking a lesson from this miserable chapter in their young lives. Not allowing it to be anything more than an early chapter in an otherwise long, and more interesting life.
It's time for this to be over. Let's get the page turned.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I've been getting some offers lately. I'm thinking about getting somebody to do the negotiations for me. There's just so much to consider. So many details, those making the offers have representatives, I think it's only level if I do too. I'm unsure how to go about doing that though, but how hard can it really be?
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
No Biggie
Does anybody know who's got the license plate BR BULLY?
It doesn't really matter, I'm just a little bored, think I'll go shoot some hoops.
It doesn't really matter, I'm just a little bored, think I'll go shoot some hoops.
I do hope that JPI will protect its people. The thing about hopelessly insecure people, such as the Klugers, is the amount of energy they put into punishing others, in hopes that nobody else will notice how average they themselves really are. Maybe I shouldn't have gloated yesterday, but Kluger's not going to be at GE for long. JPI hired the people they hired because they wanted them working for JPI. It wasn't right for Kluger to use GE's weight to put your people in the position to make your company look like it has egg on its face. It was my bad for being amused. Let's stay safe on the job-site, and hope everyone's employment stays secure.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Closet Space
So I lose five inches of depth from my closet. Apparently, JPI's people were randomly going over paperwork, and after everything had been built and inspected they "accidently" realized that I had too much closet space. Every apartment must be modified because Kluger is powerful, and hopelessly insecure. Figure 5 inches of depth, by (in my case) 36 inches of width, and a height of 108 inches, that's how much storage space? Gone. Multiply that by the number of residents in the building. My neighbors have nothing to do with anything, but Kluger needs to show me up, so all of these people have to be inconvenienced, and pay for more footage than they actually get. The construction people have more work to do, and JPI has more egg on its face.
With apologies to my neighbors, in its own weird way, it's a good sign. It's getting harder for them to screw with just me these days. It's getting harder for them to explain away my complaints with "I'm so embarrassed" or "She's just a bitch" or everybody's favorite, "She'll never find out" if you heard these words from them, you're being suckered.
I know Steven Kluger has made people money, but a lot of people know how to make money, he isn't special. Besides, GE's stock never paid any real dividends, and creative bookkeeping is required to sure up the stock price. This stuff could be managed much better. Plus he makes the world look like a bunch of heavy-handed, perverted jerks.
I find it very hard to believe that that it's the sort of impression so many were hoping to make. Say it with me folks, Arggg.
With apologies to my neighbors, in its own weird way, it's a good sign. It's getting harder for them to screw with just me these days. It's getting harder for them to explain away my complaints with "I'm so embarrassed" or "She's just a bitch" or everybody's favorite, "She'll never find out" if you heard these words from them, you're being suckered.
I know Steven Kluger has made people money, but a lot of people know how to make money, he isn't special. Besides, GE's stock never paid any real dividends, and creative bookkeeping is required to sure up the stock price. This stuff could be managed much better. Plus he makes the world look like a bunch of heavy-handed, perverted jerks.
I find it very hard to believe that that it's the sort of impression so many were hoping to make. Say it with me folks, Arggg.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Hilton Appeal
Why shouldn't Paris Hilton appeal? Don't convicted murders on death row have automatic appeals? Why wouldn't she appeal? Is she trying to calm everybody down? Protect the reporters, who although are adults, and professionals, somehow find themselves in the path of police cars on official business?
Sure, I've heard about a relative or employee of the Hilton Hotel Corp (is that a big company) having donated money to the sheriff. I haven't heard the amount. I just have a hard time believing that the punishment is comparable to what anybody else would have received. I also wonder about the hassle the media and the other peepers caused for the courts and the department. Maybe the sheriff was trying to run an efficient jail, filled with rapists, and drug dealers, and maybe just maybe Paris Hilton was a lesser threat to society than murders. Just maybe.
I also don't understand why we're so interested. Does Paris Hilton's fortunes, be them good or bad, really have an effect on your life? Or is it just fun, watching the mighty fall? Is Paris Hilton the personification of mighty? Or do people just resent her? Is it her money? The fact that her own family stands by her? What about having a gold digging boyfriend? Is she envied? Would you want to be her? Are you happy with what's going on in your life?
If you were in jail, would you not try whatever legal means you had to get out? Do you know anybody who wouldn't try to be released?
Sure, I've heard about a relative or employee of the Hilton Hotel Corp (is that a big company) having donated money to the sheriff. I haven't heard the amount. I just have a hard time believing that the punishment is comparable to what anybody else would have received. I also wonder about the hassle the media and the other peepers caused for the courts and the department. Maybe the sheriff was trying to run an efficient jail, filled with rapists, and drug dealers, and maybe just maybe Paris Hilton was a lesser threat to society than murders. Just maybe.
I also don't understand why we're so interested. Does Paris Hilton's fortunes, be them good or bad, really have an effect on your life? Or is it just fun, watching the mighty fall? Is Paris Hilton the personification of mighty? Or do people just resent her? Is it her money? The fact that her own family stands by her? What about having a gold digging boyfriend? Is she envied? Would you want to be her? Are you happy with what's going on in your life?
If you were in jail, would you not try whatever legal means you had to get out? Do you know anybody who wouldn't try to be released?
Sporty Hillary
The NY Times article by Patrick Healy mentioned a few things that I just have to bring up. He said an article had been printed by the Boston Herald suggesting that Hillary Clinton had Botox injections. I didn't see the article, I don't know if she had the Botox or not, but I know me, I know I would have enjoyed it. You see, I don't mind people trying to look their best, but Botox comes from poison, and a person's face is kind of close to the brain...enough said.
What really tickled me from the Times; Hillary at a fund-raiser told everybody that she'd once won a trophy in an Arkansas MIXED DOUBLES tennis thing. Billary and Billie Jean King, have so much in common. Am I really the only one who finds that amusing?
What really tickled me from the Times; Hillary at a fund-raiser told everybody that she'd once won a trophy in an Arkansas MIXED DOUBLES tennis thing. Billary and Billie Jean King, have so much in common. Am I really the only one who finds that amusing?
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Last night I get a notice from JPI that they need to be in my unit for four days next week. They want all the contents out of my coat closet, and my dog secured by 9am Monday, and they won't be finished until 5pm on Thursday, they need to install prefab framing, hang sheet-rock, skim, sand and texture, set trim, brackets for shelving, paint, install shelving, touch up, clean up. A four day job. The closet is finished, it has paint, texture and wire shelves. Apparently, the ADA (they didn't tell me what the ADA is, I looked it up) has after six months, been informed about my non-compliant closet, and now, they must punish me, with paint fumes and the dust of sheet-rock. As a rule, when a guest who wears a coat, would like it hung up, I do it. I hang up any guest's coat, without regard to their handicap. Doesn't matter if their in a wheelchair, on crutches, blind, or simply hard of listening. It is not a reflection on whatever it is that happens to be not quite right with them. If a member of Americans with Disabilities Association would like something from my closet, I'll get it, just let me know. Would you want me going into your closet? Of course not.
It's ridiculous to me that a brand new complex, would be constantly doing this. We needed to have better notice and a better explanation. I suppose it's possible that this place is just badly managed, after all, they just drained a brand new pool so that they could paint it. Really.
What I think is more likely, my stalkers are striking again. Look at me sideways all you like, but General Electric has put about $500 million dollars into JPI, and this could be Steven Kluger's parting shot. Any thought on who GE's going to get to replace him?
It's ridiculous to me that a brand new complex, would be constantly doing this. We needed to have better notice and a better explanation. I suppose it's possible that this place is just badly managed, after all, they just drained a brand new pool so that they could paint it. Really.
What I think is more likely, my stalkers are striking again. Look at me sideways all you like, but General Electric has put about $500 million dollars into JPI, and this could be Steven Kluger's parting shot. Any thought on who GE's going to get to replace him?
So the guy from the joint chef's of staff is being replaced, never-mind, let's talk about Paris. Oh yeah, most of the air-traffic was delay and all screwed up yesterday, no jokes about Bill Clinton's hair. Let's talk about Paris, she's got a lawsuit now. Way to bring international attention to the US. What reason does the world possibly have for thinking Americans stupid?
Friday, June 8, 2007
No whining
Reporters covering Paris Hilton, you cannot block official vehicles. You're lucky you didn't need medical attention. You're lucky you weren't arrested. I'm actually a little disappointed neither thing happened. By the way, a city cop did offer an ambulance, so no suing.
Why shouldn't she have hair and make-up people? It is the responsibility of super wealthy people to find excuses to spend their money. It's good for the economy. Don't be snotty about it.
Paris Hilton aka Al Copone, aka Public Enemy Number One really isn't going to affect your life at all. How does her punishment, be it "fair" whatever that means, or not, really going to affect you? So what if she has a party, having people over is one of the things people under house-arrest do. If you want to have a party at your house, feel free. Are you afraid she's going to poach your guests?
What's really got me ticked-off at the moment, MSNBC cut from Pentagon information to go to Paris walking from her door into a police car. Priorities people.
Why shouldn't she have hair and make-up people? It is the responsibility of super wealthy people to find excuses to spend their money. It's good for the economy. Don't be snotty about it.
Paris Hilton aka Al Copone, aka Public Enemy Number One really isn't going to affect your life at all. How does her punishment, be it "fair" whatever that means, or not, really going to affect you? So what if she has a party, having people over is one of the things people under house-arrest do. If you want to have a party at your house, feel free. Are you afraid she's going to poach your guests?
What's really got me ticked-off at the moment, MSNBC cut from Pentagon information to go to Paris walking from her door into a police car. Priorities people.
TB traveler
Yes, we all agree, the guy's a jerk. Did anybody want to look at his wedding picture? Not me. Just wondering, does anybody know what stories were not reported while we were giving this clown center ring?
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Paris back to court...
So after dinner tonight, I stop by my local watering hole for a nightcap. In the Ladies' I meet a couple of women, both of whom seem very nice. Afterwards, I go to the bar and I'm having my drink. One of the women, from the Ladies' is putting some pressure on the bartender, whom I know and like. Anyway, she's insisting that he go out with her friend, and she's inching and inching behind the bar. She's more drunk now than she was earlier. I've never known that to be acceptable behavior, the getting behind the bar. But it has nothing to do with me, so I stay out of it. Besides, he handles it well, jovially dances her back to the right side of the bar, but she won't give up on him going out with her friend. I don't know if it's a bar rule, or a bartender's rule, but he won't date regulars. Although I do enjoy flirting with a bartender, I doubt I'd ever date one, whom I met at his job. I'm sure you can understand. Anyway, somebody had given the friend a phone number, that was either the barman's number, or was supposed to be...this is where the information is a little unclear. The barmaid had told the woman at least twice not to hit anybody, I know that I missed something, but I'm not sure what. Anyway, I'm standing, and there on my right is a guy I'd just met. On my right is a good-looking guy, although I spoke with him much of the evening, and he didn't seem at all stupid. In spite of the fact that his eyes lingered below my face, I'd hang with him again. He had an air of a "dumb gallute" but again, he's smarter than he seems. On my left was my friend, also a guy, but much smaller. He's got muscles, but he's compact. I hope I'm not speaking out of turn, but he's also very light in the loafers. This girl is drunker than she was earlier, is looking like she's giving me the evil eye, and she works her way towards us. I am not nearly drunk enough to get into anything, so I work my way away...anyway, she slaps the guy to my right, who just takes it, and then she slaps my light loafered friend. He threw a glass of wine in her face. The contents of which landed all over my back, and various parts of various other people. She then left. I presume it was with her boyfriend, who was an ex-marine, or an ex-boyfriend, who is a marine, I'm not really sure, but it was exciting.
I do remember that I was going to talk about Scooter, but I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment. When I got home, I thought that I was out of gin. I wasn't, I still had half of a bottle of Beefeaters. I bought it when I lived in NY. I had expected someone who never visited. Perhaps I should have gotten Tangeray Ten.
Plus I'm also very put off with what is happening to Paris Hilton. She should not have to go back to court. What's currently going on is about right. By the by, Rick Solomon used to run scripts for Gary Kluger, whose brother Steven roomed with Rick Lazio, shill for Hillary Clinton and Lloyd Braun, producer of "Lost" whose actor Michelle Roduguze got off for the same incident for less than a day......
I do remember that I was going to talk about Scooter, but I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment. When I got home, I thought that I was out of gin. I wasn't, I still had half of a bottle of Beefeaters. I bought it when I lived in NY. I had expected someone who never visited. Perhaps I should have gotten Tangeray Ten.
Plus I'm also very put off with what is happening to Paris Hilton. She should not have to go back to court. What's currently going on is about right. By the by, Rick Solomon used to run scripts for Gary Kluger, whose brother Steven roomed with Rick Lazio, shill for Hillary Clinton and Lloyd Braun, producer of "Lost" whose actor Michelle Roduguze got off for the same incident for less than a day......
Paris Hilton
So she's out of jail and back home under house-arrest. Pretty close to right. No matter what those high-toned hypocrites say. I still think 40 days is a bit much, brings to mind Biblical weather reports, but hey close to reasonable.
We'll talk about Scooter later...
We'll talk about Scooter later...
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
William Jefferson...
No, no, no, not Clinton. Just William Jefferson got indicted for having $90k in cash. Good. Fox News running the wrong video while reporting this, bad.
Attention John Conyers, relax, and happy mocking. It's fun. Really. I promise.
By the by, does anybody know why William Jefferson Clinton (yes) needs an extra $10k a year for added health insurance? Members of Congress and their families have great coverage. I tried pricing health insurance and it was hard for a family of four to spend that much. I had to try. How ill could he possibly be?
Attention John Conyers, relax, and happy mocking. It's fun. Really. I promise.
By the by, does anybody know why William Jefferson Clinton (yes) needs an extra $10k a year for added health insurance? Members of Congress and their families have great coverage. I tried pricing health insurance and it was hard for a family of four to spend that much. I had to try. How ill could he possibly be?
Monday, June 4, 2007
DNC Debate
About the positions of the candidates, on the stage, not on the issues..."gee, it was just random" reply "HORSESHIT!" I forgave you before, but no more. To tell the public that your best picture is somehow an act of God, well let's just say it makes my back hurt.
I don't care where they stand on the stage, but let's not go out of our way to insult people, it wastes goodwill, and makes people ashamed that they ever gave you a grace.
I don't care where they stand on the stage, but let's not go out of our way to insult people, it wastes goodwill, and makes people ashamed that they ever gave you a grace.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Rehash for Cash
That's what the Clinton campaign calls the new books, before they even came out. Okay, fair enough, I think everybody knows that Bill Clinton steps out on his wife. We also know that he's been stepping out on Hillary before she became his wife. On that score, so what? The information is not new, but the context is new. It's no longer about Bill Clinton having affairs on his wife, it's now about a presidential candidate's spouse having affairs, and I think that's different. If she gets her name on the ticket, and wins the general, what sort of position will his girlfriends put the nation? What assurance do we have that other countries won't make available willing women for some sort of trade? Corporations trying for government contracts? Tax breaks? What effect will it have on the Secret Service? Will the Secret Service find itself fractured, the agents responsible for protecting the former president and his girlfriends, and the new president assigning other agents, to find out about these women? Will these women be rewarded, or destroyed personally and professionally? If so, how much of our government resources will be allocated for this purpose? What's going to happen with that constitution thing? Some of these women are likely to be citizens, with all those incidental civil rights. These are considerations.
Also a consideration, how do you send people to war, to live and die and kill, to maim and be maimed, without reading the report? How does anybody do that? How can a person put herself forward as a leader, and then sidle up with the sheep? To discontinue her droning "If I'd known then what I know now..." only to whine about other members of congress also being too lazy and too conceded to read a report? Did she even try? Were the words too big?
Also a consideration, how do you send people to war, to live and die and kill, to maim and be maimed, without reading the report? How does anybody do that? How can a person put herself forward as a leader, and then sidle up with the sheep? To discontinue her droning "If I'd known then what I know now..." only to whine about other members of congress also being too lazy and too conceded to read a report? Did she even try? Were the words too big?
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